The Girl Next Door.(A Greyson Chance love story)[P.6]

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Soo.. ty soo much for the views.. very much appreciate them!

***Ana's POV..

-"Ok mom.. where is my other pink sparkly shoe.."

"Where did you last leave it..."

Than I remembered..

-"oh never mind.."

"Don't forget, picture day today Ana.."

-"I know mom.." I sighed..

Going out the door I slid my Vera Bradly backpack on and called Dakota..

When I answered, I heard screaming..


-"What".. I sighed..

"Anthony asked me out.."..

-"Good for you.. " I suddenly saw Greyson coming out for the mail...

-"Ok.. goodbie Dakota.."

I could still hear screams from the phone.. wierdo..

I wen't the other way and headed to the buss stop..

There to see Nicky.. taking out money from his Backpack..

-"Oh, god Nicky.. another bully.."?

"No. we are having pretzels in class today, I wan't to get one.."

-"Alrighty than.."

I saw the buss coming..

***Greyson's POV..

When I was going down the driveway to get the mail, I saw Ana, trying to calm Dakota down on the phone..

I grabbed it from the mailbox and looked through it..



Fan mail.. wait, how do they know where they live..?

I heard their bus roar down the road and screech.. you get used to it...

I was still looking through when I stopped..

Justin.. oh brother..

I sat on the grass and opened it..

In his sorta sloppy/neat handwriting wrote..

"Dude, is it okay, it I take Ana... I think I really like her, quit Selena.."

I starred at it and scowled..

What does he have that I don't..

I got up, brushed my jeans off, and wen't inside, too see Grandma not there... I wen't inside the sunroom, she was sitting on her usual chair, watching the birds fly bie.. Wow, old people do things so calmly these days..

I wen't over and handed her the mail and sat down..

She looked over and saw me.. scared to death..

"Oh, Greyson.. what put you in a slump today.."

-"Girl I thought liked me, doesn't.."

"Well Greyson.. you are eventually find the one.. don't worry, there are a lot of other girls out there for you to pick from.."

I looked at her... appearently getting out her phone..

-"Who are you calling, Grandma..?"

"Your uncle Jim, and your cousins.. I need for them to talk to you Greyson.."


"Greyson, you are trying to scare away the birds or what.."

-"Yes, finally.."

Uncle Jim was the most funniest, outragious and scariest guy you could meet, but he did give some advice..

I hopped outside..

Looking at the road I see Ana's mom's car going into their driveway..

"Uhh.. I hate the dentist.."

-"Ana, your cousins are coming over to get ready for the party today.. Nicky's inside, go in.." She said, getting out of the car..

Party, what party..

I see her mom brining out ballons, gold baloons.. what the heck is going on here..?

I ran over and helped her mom with with the baloons..

"Wait, who are you.."

-"Oh, hi I am Greyson.. I live down there.. I pointed.."

"Oh, this is the boy she has been talking about.." bringing out the box of favors.

-"Anyway, what are these for".. I pointed...


-"What party.."?

"50th anniversery party.. haven't Ana told you yet.."?

I all of the sudden see Ana, running up to hug me.. in a pink dress, figures..


-"aww, you look cute.." I sighed..

She looked at her dress.. that back at me..

 She grabbed my hand...

"I guess mom told you.."

-"Yah, why can't I come.."

"Well.. It is a family party.." she waved her hands dramaticly..

"Be right back.."

She walked over to her mom..

I looked at my phone..


I texted back.


I looked up to see Ana, jumping up and down..

-"You could come as my friend.."


KK.. all for now.. lets hope to get to 500 votes in the next 2 weeks!

The Girl Next Door.(A Greyson Chance love story)[FINISH LATER]Where stories live. Discover now