Chapter 3: A Promise

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            I sit next to Jake watching him flip through channels to find a good movie to watch. I never noticed until now how relaxed and easy going he is. I can tell him anything and not have to worry about him freaking out or getting upset.

            Jake finds a movie, Pitch Perfect. I tell him, "Nice choice. I love this movie!" He pauses it right before it starts and runs downstairs to make a quick bag of popcorn in the kitchen. I hear the beep and get myself situated in a comfy position. He enters the room and hands me a bowl of popcorn. He presses play and we sit in silence as we watch the movie. I glance at him and notice he is already staring at me which makes me look back at the movie. We hum along to the songs we know and I even shed a tear towards the end of the movie. The credits appear and Jake turns off the TV. He looks at the clock and sees that it's about 7:00. He jumps out of bed and starts walking out of his room as he tells me, "What do you have in mind for dinner?" I shrug. We walk into the kitchen and open the fridge and freezer and stare for about two minutes. We decide on pizza rolls and then set the oven timer and put them in for ten minutes. Time goes by and they are done. Jake hands a plate to me and I put eight pizza rolls on my plate. Eight is my lucky number.

            We sit down at his kitchen table and talk about our summer plans. We hear the garage door close and his parents walk into the kitchen and welcome me with a, "Hello Nicole! What have you guys been up to?" Jake tells his parents what we have been doing and his mom responds with, "Sounds like you two are having a fun night. Jake, your father and I are going to dinner soon. I want you two to be safe while we are gone. Can I trust you that you won't burn the house down?." Jake says, "Of course mom. I won't open the door for anyone. We will be safe, there is nothing to worry about. Trust me." I smile as I listen to their conversation. About 20 minutes later his parents are out the door and Jake walks into the family room and turns on his Wii system. We play the game, Just Dance and I prove my better dancing skills than him.

            Tired and sweaty we collapse on the couch. We decide to make cupcakes, one of our favorite desserts. We prepare, bake, then take them out of the oven. I search his cabinets for any icing and sprinkles I can find. We tell each other it is a decorating contest and we each get to decorate six. Five minutes later we display our colorful cupcakes to each other and comment on their appearance. I look at Jake's decorating skills and wonder what some of what he did is. Mine on the other hand have designs like hearts and patterns on them. I have to say mine look pretty appetizing versus his. I grab one of my cupcakes and smooch the frosting onto his nose and he does the same to me.

            Before we know it we had eaten about 3 cupcakes each and put the rest in a container. We look at the clock noticing how late it had gotten and go upstairs to change. I change in the bathroom just in case he decides to barge in again. I walk back into his room and since he has a queen size bed I get under the covers. I hear him exhale loudly and laugh quietly to myself. There is about a minute or two of silence before Jake disrupts it. He asks, "Nikki, before you fall asleep I want to tell you something." My heart races a little wondering if he will tell me what I have wanted him to tell me all along. I whisper yes and he responds with, "I had a really good time tonight and I hope that throughout the summer and wherever life takes us, we will always remain this close to each other. I don't want to ever lose you as my best friend. Promise me, we will be there for each other throughout our high school years? Even when we are sidetracked and have too much to deal with, I want us to always find a way back to each other." I process all that he has said. I say, "Of course Jake. I love our friendship the way it is too. I promise that whatever happens we will be there for each other through thick and thin." Jake nods his head and smiles. "Goodnight Nikki, here is to an incredible summer and life ahead of us." He reaches over and turns his lamp light off and I drift into sleep with thoughts of today running through my mind.


I loved how Jake was sincere to Nicole about their friendship. What did you think? (:

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