7:The Sound of Rain

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So, I've decided to put a little Kid x Maka in here because I actually kind of ship it more than Kid x Soul. I really only did a Kid x Soul story in the first place off of requests, though I have to say, it's a lot of fun writing this story ;) 

Soul's (From the original world this story is from, obviously) POV

I woke up on Blair's couch in the middle of the night, coughing, and then noticing, I was breathing, and it kind of hurt...


Was I alive again?

Was everything I just thought about a dream?

If it was, then why the hell am I in Blaire's house?

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard stirring next to me. I looked over and saw Maka and Black Star starting to get up as well.

"What the hell? I thought we were dead!" Black Star exclaimed.

"Obviously not anymore. Question is, how did we get back to life." I pointed out.

Just then, Blaire walked in. She looked like she had been crying before she had come in the room, and barely managed to stop herself from crying, but the second she layed her eyes on us she started bawling again/

"Blaire? Why are you crying?" Maka asked her.

"B-Because when I raised you all from the dead I didn't know the consequences..." She said.

"What consequences?" I asked. "And your the one who raised us from the dead?"

"Yeah." Blaire said. "And I did it by completing a ritual that required shinigami blood. When I did the ritual, I kind of took some of Kid's blood while he was sleeping, so he didn't know about it, because I wanted to be able to surprise everyone with you guys, but I didn't know that Kid would be punished for having his blood used in the ritual...."

"Wait what the hell happened to Kid??" I asked worriedly.

"H-he got sent to another universe to kill another version of himself, and he might loose his shinigami powers." Blaire exclaimed. "And I don't know how long it's going to take, if he can even make it back."

All I could do was stare at her wide eyed. I get that she didn't mean to get Kid into that kind of trouble, but it doesn't change that she got him punished for something he didn't do. I felt angry at her, but at the same time I felt heartbroken. The main reason I wanted to come back to life in the first place was to be with Kid again, and as soon as I get back to life, he's gone, and nobody knows when he's coming back.

Back to the other world

Kid 2's (The Evil Kid shall now be known as Kid 2) POV

I looked around the city, admiring how the people had become, even though a small part of me knew it was all wrong, though I always kind of just told that small part of me that wanted to be good to just shut up. I had no use for turning back now. Asura had control of me for so long that being like this was practically permanent.

I remembered one of my last moments before I started to be taken over by Asura. It was when my father jumped in front of that shot to save me......

After that, though, my soul practically belonged to Asura.

I remembered telling Black Star something just before we actually started fighting Asura together, but the second Maka and Soul were a part of the fight, I turned on them. At the time, none of it was willingly, but now, I couldn't imagine not doing it. The world as I knew it now seemed perfect to me. The old me would have always bugged about the lack of symmetry, or the lack of balance between good and evil, but not anymore. I even killed someone I used to call a friend, in attempt to kill the girl I used to love...

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