3:Talking to Dead People

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Kid's POV

I went to bed, realizing it had been 4 years. I had lived exactly 4 years now without the closest person to me, and the only person I really loved. It went by so slowly, yet fast at the same time. My life had become a tangled mess with him gone. I wished to have all of them back, more than anything. I had cut myself several times, symmetrically on each wrist, but I had been trying to stop that for the last six months, though I still occasionally got tempted to do it again, but I held myself back. I already couldn't even wear short sleeve shirts because the scars wouldn't go away, and I already had Tsubaki tell me a few times I should stop.

Now was one of those times that I was just tempted to do it, but I stopped myself from grabbing the blade and just went to bed in a short sleeve shirt and shorts. When I sat on my bed, it felt colder than normal, but I tried to ignore it. I shut my eyes, and drifted to sleep.

I started to dream, and in front of me in my dream were Black Star, Maka, and Soul. We were all sitting at the beach house I used to own, before they all died.

"We'll be back soon." Black Star said, smiling. I don't know why I was dreaming about this, it wasn't even anything that actually happened.

"Guys..." I was thinking about what to say, if I should have said anything at all.

"We're going to be back, just you wait!" Soul smiled at me. "We won't stop trying to find a way back until we find it."

"But there isn't-" I started.

"A way back to life that we know of?" Maka finished my sentence. "That's why we're searching. We're going to find a way back home no matter what it takes."

"I haven't had a single dream like this before now since you guys died. Why am I just now having dreams where I can talk to you guys?" I asked.

"Wait, how long have we been dead? I don't remember being a ghost for more than just from this morning to now...." Black Star asked.

"Today marked exactly four years since you all died...." I told them. "So, you guys haven't been ghosts at all for the past four years? I guess that might be why I couldn't talk to you in my dreams before now..."

"What, is talking to ghosts common in your dreams?" Soul asked.

"Ghosts try to communicate with me all the time while I sleep, and it usually works, since I'm a shinigami." I shrugged. "Usually they talk about the same stuff you guys are talking about, finding a way to come back to life, and they ask if it's even possible, but honestly I don't know of any way that it would be possible."

"Maybe you could help us, though." Soul said.

"I have no clue how I would be able to help. I've never heard of a way to bring people back to life, ." I told them. "I really wish I could help... but even if I knew how to, I couldn't. There's a rule against shinigami helping the dead come back to life. If someone even suspects that I helped somebody come back to life, God knows whats going to happen."

Soul looked downward after I said that, and his eyes landed on my wrists and his eyes grew wide,  and he back into my eyes. "K-Kid did you self harm?"

"I uhhhh........ I did a lot but I've been trying to stop lately...." I replied, averting my eyes "I've been trying not to cut for the past six months but I've only successfully gone two months without doing it, but I almost did it again tonight..."

"Wow, you never looked to me like the kind of guy who would cut himself." Black Star interjected.

"That's because you haven't seen me since you guys have died. A lot's changed in the past four years, and so have I." I said, and there was a long pause, and I continued, looking at Soul. "Even so, some things never changed...."

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