Breakin' Down

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*Skylar's P.O.V*
I woke up because I felt water under myself in the bed. 'Did I pee myself' I thought no.... my water had broke. I shook Rachel a few times til he finally woke up. 'What's wrong?' He asked worried 'my water broke!' He shot up from the bed and went and got my bag and ran down stairs and started the car a few minutes later he came back up and got me. *20 minutes later* Rachel just pulled up to the hospital he got out and opened my door and helped me out. We walked in. 'Yes how may I help you?' A lady at the front desk asked 'my water broke' I say to her. She got up and got me a wheelchair and Rachel followed close behind. *13 hours later* 'Ok last push!! On the count of 3 ready 1...2...3...push!!' I pushed as hard as I could and a soft cry filled the room. 'Would you like to cut the cord?' The doctor asked Rachel he goes up to where the baby is and cuts the cord. He had tears in his eyes. I got to him for a few minutes and then they had to go wash him and stuff. Then a nurse came in. 'I need you to fill out these papers please miss its for the birth certificate.' She said as she handed me a clipboard with some papers. I filled out the normal things name: Skylar Southworth
Relationship staus with father: married
Age: 23
Father: James Southworth
Relationship staus with mother: married
Age: 25
Name of child: Dallas James Southworth
Date of Birth: February 22,1992
Time of Birth: 11:03 pm
After a little while they brought him back to us. 'He's very healthy!' The nurse said as she handed him to me. She left after that to give us privacy. 'Hi Dallas' I said as I rubbed my finger softly against his face. 'He looks like you!' Rach said as he grabbed him from me. 'No he looks like you!' I said. I finally have the perfect family I've always wanted with the man I've always loved.

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