Chapter 1

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"The spirits have spoken, their word is law. You must obey. The spirits have gifted you two mates, but from the two you must choose one. Your choice will be crucial. The first is one of us, a decent warrior. Her heart is already devoted to you, her body willing to be taken by you. If you make her yours, humans will find us. War will erupt causing the loss of many an each side. Peace will follow, but the worlds of human and shifter will remain separate.

The second is not of our world, she is human. She is as great a warrior as you. Her heart is empty, yet full of yearning. Even if she cannot scene it, she is being pulled to you. Her body will not be easy to take, but in time it will be yours. Make her yours, and the worlds will merge. Our people will live in harmony, and the spirits will be pleased. You know your destiny now Tala, may the spirits be with you on your journey."

I see my first mate vividly, it is as my wolf has been saying, Nova. The second appears, yet she is not as visible. Her scent is intoxicating, like Nova's and my wolf howls for them both. I however am not as jubilant.

All my life I have known what is the right thing to do is. Now, for the first time in my life I do not know what the right thing to do is. I am the Alpha's daughter, the next Alpha of this pack, and I am confused! Why do the spirits curse me with such a burden?! Curses!

I awaken from my vision and my father and Adi, our pack shaman look down at me, studying me. I bolt up and shift into my light brown wolf. I give no explanation for my sudden shift. I make my way to the mouth of the cave. I stop when I see the entire pack outside. They all get on their knees and bow their heads. They must do this because I am in wolf form.

Her smell caresses my nose I look out and see her. The only word that goes through my head 'Mate'. I look into the crowd and see her. Her eyes are the only ones that are looking up at me. Those dark brown eyes stare at me. Her long black hair falls over her shoulders to her tone body. Some of her tattoos are visible, I have some myself in human form. I look at her fully and my heart melts. Nova, she is mine, my mate.

The thoughts of my newly found fate make me snap out of my gaze with her. I make my way down the high rocks and into the thick woods. I do not care where I go, I just need to get away from there right now. I run through the trees until I come to the flat land of our territory. I pace back and forth in the tall grass.

My wolf begs me to turn around and claim our Nova. I hush her and continue to think about my fate. I close everyone out, so I can truly think to myself. Out of all this happens to me! Why do the spirits think that my father would let me mate with a human? It is forbidden for us to do so! Why me?! Curse the spirits, curse them! They have chosen the wrong one, I cannot carry the weight of this task! 

Adi, is right, I must obey, so I will reject the human girl. I cannot let her see me though, another rule set by my father since mother was killed. That is how our worlds are separate. Sifters keep ourselves hidden from the humans. The only time they would see us is in wolf form. I must then break my father's rule, humans don't understand wolf.

In the midst of my thoughts, a winds blows through my light brown fur, carrying a scent. I put my snout up and smell, oh no. I look in the direction and the scent gets stronger. It is like a siren call to me. I feel nervous and one word goes through my head, 'Mate'. A spear flies at me and I side step it. That was a very accurate throw. If I didn't move it would have gone through my paw.

The human that the spear belongs to leaps out of the tall grass. She is the most beautiful human I have ever seen. Her eyes are the prettiest shade of brown I have ever seen. The vivid red war paint across her eyes makes them stand out. Her lips are full and perfect, her body the same. I can see some of her tattoos as well. They suit her body. The warrior's red skin glistens in the moonlight along with her long black hair.

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