Chapter 5

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I walk hand and hand with Nova up to the caves. We walk together down the vast caves to the place of meetings. I see the looks of our people. They are really watching us because we are to be the next Alpha pair. Yet I do wonder what it would be like to have a human Luna. Alo runs up to us and bows his head.

"What is this about Alo?" He comes to my other side. He seems troubled. I nudge his shoulder. He looks up at me with worry for me in his brown eyes.

"The human pack. That is all I know, father will not tell me anything else." I sigh and enter the meeting cave. Nova stay right next to me with her head down as we walk to father.

"Why do you put your head down? You are the next Luna. Hold your head up." I say in pack link. Her head goes up, her hand grips tighter on mine.

"I am nervous is all." She says back. I lean down to kiss her cheek before we take our seat next to father. His face is very serious. This must mean a bad sign. He looks over at me and his eyes soften slightly. The pack is now all here and father stands.

"I have called all of you here because we are in danger." Mumbles go through the room. Alo and I stare at eachother then I stare at Adi. She gives me a weak smile then puts her eyes down. I stare up at my father. He walks to the fire then puts his hand in a fist.

"This danger comes from the human pack. I have great reason to believe that one of you have made contact with the humans." I gulp. Oh curses, I have been caught, but how?

"Know this, humans are dangerous to us. My mate is not here today because of them. I will not loose any more of my family to them. You will all stay away from them, all of you! If I find that any of you have made contact with them, you will be severely punished." He growls and everyone's head drops in submission. He turns to me and his eyes soften again.

"Heed my warning. Dinner will be soon, go now." The pack bows their heads then leave.

"Tala." I turn back to father still holding Nova's hand. Alo waits at the mouth of the cave.

"A word alone." Nova lets go of my hand and leaves with Alo. I walk back to father bowing my head. His hand cups my chin then raises my eyes to his. Father's deep brown eyes stare down at me. With a deep sigh he releases me then brushes back my black hair.

"I wish for you to keep a watch for Alsoomse. He is the one I have suspicion about." I nod my head with a quiet sigh of relief. That was too close for my liking. Father's face then hardens.

"I do not understand why you leave Nova all day. I have given you this time to know her, not be away from her until nightfall." He says scolding me. I whimper nodding my head.

"You are to be with her all day from now on. I command it!" He growls in alpha tone. I nod my head keeping my eyes to the ground. Once again he raises my eyes to his. It pains him to use alpha tone on me, he told me that once. His rough lips touch my head.

"I love you very much Tala. I just want you to have a good relationship with your mate. She will be a good Luna. Go to her now." I nod and leave out in a hurry. Curses! How am I to meet with Nina now? My wolf howls in pain, I want to see her. I'm going to have to tell her that we cannot meet for sometime.

Nova and Alo wait for me at the mouth of the pack caves. I also see Alsoome standing with them. He seems to be trying to talk with Nova. I growl and he looks at me. I walk behind Nova and put my arm around her waist. Alsoome backs away from us.

"Alsoome, I need to speak with you." He bows his head. Alo begins to walk away but I stop him.

"You are to be my Beta and you my Luna, so you will stay." I kiss Nova neck then let her go. Alsoome stares into my eyes, fear radiates from his brown eyes. I snarl then push him against the wall.

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