Doughnuts and Accusations

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This is the first story I have ever posted! Please comment and vote! Wish me luck!!

Disclaimer: I don't own the mentalist.


Lisbon's P.O.V.

I march into the bullpen, searching for Jane. He has evaded me this entire day, knowing that I'm mad. Seriously, though? He walked into the wrong house and threatened the victims mother. God, I am so tired of dealing with his crap. I glance around, seeing him shuffling through the doughnut box.

"What is wrong with you!" I yell, trying to keep my voice down.

"Oh, Lisbon, there are so many things wrong with me. The first one being that I didn't get doughnuts from this place sooner. Anyway, I simply got the address wrong. I only talked to the person for three seconds before you showed up," he says, picking out one with chocolate-icing and sprinkles. "I apologized to the lady. Chill your loafers."

"The one time I let you drive, you go to the wrong house!" I snap, "And then when we finally get to the right place, you interrogate the man's mother!"

"Yeah, well, she was there the time of the murder. It was suspicious," He calmly states.

"Was suspicious?" I ask.

"I think it was a case of mistaken identity. Ms. Woodson pushed the guy of the edge of the building, thinking it's her ex-husband but it turns out that it's her son. Oops!" he laughs.

"I repeat: what is wrong with you?!" I mutter and turn away.

"I'm soorrry if I've been a little distracted lately," he calls, wiggling his eyebrows. I snatch his doughnut away and storm towards my office. I slam then door shut and try to calm the thoughts rushing through my head. It was a one kiss, just one kiss. It may have been the best kiss of my entire life, but it was just a kiss. I can hadle this. Can't I?

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