Chapter 1

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He watches around the guild. It's been a boring week for the shirtless IceMage. Natsu went out on a mission with Lucy and Happy. Erza went on a s-class mission a month ago, she still hasn't returned even though the request said it would take a year. Barely anyone was in the guild today. Still Gray sat there at the bar, not because he had nothing to do or no jobs, but because a certain WaterMage was due back that morning. A week earlier, Juvia, Gajeel, and Pantherlily left on a short mission. He would never admit it out loud, but Gray missed the WaterMage fawning over him. He got so lost in thought, he didn't even sense the SatanSoulMage walk up to him and lean over the bar.

"Thinking about a certain blunette?" The cheery voice of Mirajane woke him from his daydream. He glared over at her, ignoring the question.

"What do you want?" He avoided eye contact, lowering his head and casting a shadow over half of his face.

"Just checking in with my ship. So how are things with Juvia?" Mira gave a sly smile as she could see a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Same as always; she stalks me and I try not to die."

"Oh come on! I can tell you fell for her!" Mira basically shouted grabbing the attention of some people at the bar and surrounding tables.

Suddenly the guild doors open up and Gajeel and Lily walk in. Shortly after Juvia follows them in. She immediately searches around till her eyes lay on him. She smiles and starts heading to him. He watches her as she walks up, trying to memorize every last detail. The way she moves. The way she smiles. Everything. She finally reached him,

"Good Morning Gray-sama!"

"..." He nodded to her showing he heard. He turned away to look at his drink. Mira was now missing.

Juvia slipped into the seat net to him. Today was different. Normally when she got back from a job, no matter how long, she would overreact and act like she hasn't seen him for years, but now she was barely talking to him.

"Uh... Juvia, how was the job?" He looked over to her. She was looking the other way, which surprised him. She looked at him to speak.

"Juvia thinks the job went great, Gajeel-san and Lily-san didn't do much though.." She pouted. She looked at the time and her face got white. "Excuse Juvia, Gray-sama, but Juvia must get going now." He watched her as she grabbed her stuff and run out the guild doors.

"That's weird."

"What's weird, Stripper?" Gray looks over to see Gajeel leaning against the bar. Pantherlily is next to him eating a kiwi.

"What's up with Juvia lately?" He responds ignoring the name.

"How'd I know?"

"Well, you guys were on a mission for the past week, anything happen?"

"Not that I know of."

"Hey, it's 11. Isn't that the time of that date?" Lily stated between nibbles on his kiwi.

"Date? What date?" Gray put his full attention onto Lily.

"She made it on her way out of town last week. We ran into that white haired IceMage, Lyon. He asked her out and she said she would when she got back from the mission." Lily informed him.

"SHE'S ON A DATE?! WITH LYON?!" Gray yelled, grabbing everyone's attention. Before anyone could blink an eye, he was out the door.


Hello! This is my new story! Sorry this is a short chapter, but it's only the first one! My updating schedule for this fanfic will be random. I don't know when I will have time to write, so please don't yell at me...

Thank you for checking out this fanfic and just becasue you read this story, you get free pancakes!

*Tosses pancakes out to you guys*


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