Husband & Wife; How it All Began

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Husband & Wife; How it All Began

Date: 2/14/2016, Sunday

Haikyuu!! Boyfriends

 icetweaa recently did this and I really loved her answers (honestly, tweaa-chan is such a cutie pie I cannot even). So I decided to do the questions too cause it's Valentine's Day and I'm sure people out there are wondering

(lol by people I mean maybe like no one???)

What's your name?

Rae-senpai desu~

What's the name of your boyfriend?

I present to you the all mighty, god of arms: Iwaizumi Hajime!

Or just Iwa-chan for short.

Iwa: *groans* *pushes senpai's face away*

(actually I had such a hard time picking the boys because they're all so precious)

What's the name of your ship? (If you have one)

I never actually thought about this but I guess it would be 'Hajirae'??

Iwa: *cringes* What?

Lol please do leave some suggestions for this ship

Iwa: Please do a better job than she did.

Who in this ship uses crappy pick up lines?

Iwa: Do you even have to ask? *Shakes head*

It's me, of course! And Hajime-kun just looooveeess it, don't you? *nudges Iwa-chan's side*

Iwa: *chuckles* They suck.

That's what he said... *winks at Iwa-chan*

Iwa: That doesn't even make sense.

Live demonstartion: Hey, Hajime-kun?

Iwa: Hmm?

Will you love me for-Iwa?

Iwa: *shoots senpai a look*

I want you to K-Izumi.

Iwa: *cries*

If you had kids, who would be the stricter parent?

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