After a while of just actually chilling on my bed I started to wounder where did he get my number and who would give my number to a stranger...
Then it hit me Laura that little... She gives my number away like she has boyfriends, alot. I can't even remember how she got it.
While still thinking Anja ran into my room and jumped on me in exitement. Cole assed her if she wanted to go on a date with him this weekend. She said that there is only one problem...
She is not going without me by her said and asked Cole to bring Dylan so we can dubble date...
You did what, I asked her. Why would you do that, what if i dont even like him.
She just answered well you two just stare at eachother so U thought that ment something like a spark or even a moment between you two.
I disn't replied and just said oky because she gave me the puppy dog eyes and she knows I can never say no to that.
The next day they weren't in class, we wondered where they were but I didin't mind because today was the day for the date and maybe they will cancel it and I won't have to go.
Guess my luck they showed up at 18:00 to come pick us up, when Dylan climbed out of the car I couldn't belive my eyes he was wering a black leather jacket and a dark red buttoned up shirt with the most greatsst black jeans...
Looking into my eyes he came in to hug me. I hugged him back en smiled at him. Cole almost jumped out of the car to greet Anja.
He was wearing a buttoned up blue shirt with normal blue jeans. Witch made Anja's legs melt, you could kind of see that. Her eyes lit up and her smile was from cheek to cheek.
We boath got into Dylan's car also why Cole asked Anja to ask me to come with on the date to sit with Dylan while they were alone.
We got to the resturaunt and the guys opened the doors for us. They lead us into the resturant and had a special table set up for us. Me and Dylan had a table and Cole and Anja had a diffrent table next to ours.
We all sat down and Dylan asked the waiter to bring the menues and he wants a pepsi and I said I wanted the same thing. Anja and Cole orderd montain dew.
We sat there and talked for a while and I learned the most funniest thing about Dylan that Cole told me, it makes him even more loveable, he still sleeps with a teddy bear.