I asked him what he ment and he said to me if I knew why my brother ran away but I didn't know so I just sat there looking at him...
He told me that the night he came to me my brother was with him and that my brother changed me but I didn't understand what he ment by changed...
I asked him what ge ment by changed and he asked me if I felt different in any way...I said yes bscause I felt realy tierd and very dizzy and that my mouth hurts alot.
I asked him to tell me everything from the begining and not to skip anything...
so he started when my brother was 18 he got bit by a vampire thats where I stopped him and said there is no such thing as a vampire and he smirked at me and sai so you bet...
He ran faster than I have ever seen not even the fastes person or animal can catch him. He asked if he can tell the story without me interupting this time and ask the questions later.
I said yes and then he started okay so when your brother was turned the vampire knew when he was 18 his werewolf stages would begin and bit him to make him viers, so that no vampire can ever beat him...
He decided to run away from home because he was afraid of hurting you and only wants to keep you save from any harm so he turned me and Cole to spy on you a d keep you safe...
But when you turned 18 we must gwt to know you te gain your trust so he can turn you. I stopped him their again and ask why would ge do that to me if he doesn't want me to get killed he just had to leave me a plain old human not the same thing as what he is...
Dylan sighed and said the only way to keep you safe is to turn you to make you stronger and much faster thats why... How did he feel when he started to change into a werewolf...
Sudenly I heard a loud noise and a fimililar voice came from behind me and I said to my self this can't be hapening it must be a bad dream...
But it's not when I turned around I saw him after 8 years A.J was standing there looking like aways, he has tears in his eyes while he looked at me.
I also started to cry and stood up and ran into his arms holding in tight because I never want to loose him ever again.
He said to me while I was in his arm sis you are safe now, no one wil even try to hurt you now and you can be who you always wanted to be...
I cried even more while still holding on tight and said what do you mean...