chapter 31

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We walked into the house and Anja came to me and asked me if I still wanted to change somone and I smiked at her and we went off...

After we got at the club I saw this girl who looked so lonely and heartbroken so I read her mind and she thougjt of killing herself and I went over to her and asked her if she wanted to be my friend forever...

She looked at me with hope and walked outside with me and I told her what was going to happen to her and she agreed and wanted to be a vampire so Anja changed her. We took her home. Luckily we had a hudge house with enough rooms for everyone...

She then told me on the way that her name was Carita and that her family died when she was young. I took her to her room and put her things in the room and told her that she must get me outside when she was ready...

She took a few minites and we went hunting to complete the transformation and after that we ran home again. I called Dylan and he greeted her and saying he is Dylan the seemed to be vampire teacher...

We laughed and he took her to learn her more about being a vampire. Bianca cam oner to me and asked me if I was going yo teach her to fight because she doesn't know anything about it...

I smiled and taught her to hit and defwnd herself if needed and she cought on very quick for somone who just learned and then she thanked me and asked Johnny to battle and the fought and she won, but I could see Johnny wasn't even trieing...

I walked over to Anja and asked her if she noticed a thing between them and she agreed with me tahat there was something going on between them.

We smiled and just ignored it but then out of no where this guy apeard in oir yard and I made right to fight bu he then told me his namw was Jason and he is a vampire that heard my howl and came here to ofer his survasis...

I called my brother over and asked him if it was the count and he declared that it wasn't, this guy is not tge count...

I asked him why he wanted to join us and he told me that he also wants to kill the count and that he heard it from another vampire saying we were crazy...

I asked him how tgey knew and he told me that the roumars start spreading after David dissapeard to kill hybrids...

I looked at A.J and he nodded at me so I pinned the guy down and it was to fast so we knew it wasn't the count because the count would see that comeing...

We agreed he stay on the property and not to hunt in our town but he is not allowed in our house. We didn't know him and made a scedual to keep David inside the house and Jason outside...

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