Chapter 4

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Numb and exhausted Melissa felt something soft brush under her nose, reaching up with her hand she brushed it away, only to have it return seconds later. Mumbling incoherently she rolled away from

it, and hit a wall, reaching a hand up she felt the wall. Well it was hard, but there was a weird soft texture on it, like she was pushing into a body. Smiling at her stupid thoughts Melissa rested her hand against it and snuggled closer, only to hear an extremely human laugh come from the wall.

"Whoa" muttered Melissa as she forced her eyes to open to an unfamiliar face, but she recognized the mouth instantly as the memories from the previous day came slamming back.

"Sammy" stammered out Melissa, sitting up slightly she looked around. As far as places to stash an un-willing person went, this wasn't half bad. They were on a huge four poster bed with dark brown sheets and a rich looking black cover. There where bookcases by a massive window that no doubt had an amazing view, overall the room reminded her of an old fashioned study, only this one had a very revealing mirror above the bed.

"Do you like my room?" asked the naked giant next to her, 'what was he doing naked'. Forcing her eyes back to the "Hammer" she realized he was very naked, looking down she realized she was equally naked.

"Ah..." squealing Melissa pulled the covers up to her neck, and adjusted her glasses to make sure she was seeing Sammy right. 'Good god, he was a well god.' Thought Melissa with a smirk at the coincidence considering his name was Sammy.

Natural platinum hair hung to his shoulders with two braids threaded with black on either side of his eyes' framed his face perfectly. Broad forehead, a long nose with a slight bump where it had obviously been broken, lips made to torture girls and high cheeks bones completed his god like features. Melissa could tell James and him where related, apart from the hair they nearly looked the same, points for James she had never noticed how handsome he was until she saw his look alike cousin. Oh god where was James, had he left her or sold her, bastard he was dead. She was going to feed his balls to a lion while he watched then she would....

"Stop thinking" growled Sammy as he placed a finger on her forehead, instantly halting her thoughts of James.

"Who the hell do you think you are? You don't know me", he gave her a condescending pointed look. "Ok putting your d!#k into me does not a relationship make. Ok so just back off and get off I have to go neuter your cousin, just be thankful I won't do it to you. I would need a f#%king chainsaw to do that", mumbled Melissa, Sammy didn't move though he only looked amused.

"Sorry Little one' Sammy reached under the covers where she was hiding and laid his hand on her stomach possessively. "But James gave you to me; he has to work something out before he joins us."

"Oh hell no", stated Melissa in shock, first James breaks her heart and now he plans to...keep her to give away at his leisure? No way in hell. Without pause Melissa brought the heel of her hand into satisfying crunch followed by a roar of rage. Shoving him away she made madly for the door, not even caring if the entire neighbourhood thought she was some crazy girl Sammy's nose, and heard a when she started screaming rape while running naked down the street. But there was nothing she could do about the naked part considering the circomestances. Sadly she didn't count on the rope tied around her ankle, how the f#%k hadn't she noticed that.

Screeching in frustration as she landed on her stomach and breasts, blocking out the pain Melissa shoved herself up and started on the knots. Too late though, Sammy had quickly recovered, and looked like an insane body builder with a serious grudge. Jeeze all she did was make his nose bleed.

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