Chapter 8

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Melissa had awoken, she noticed the sun was at its climax and presumed it was noon. Her head was aching and so was her body. She felt as though she was on anaesthetic. Her eyes were blackening out as she became faint and dosed away. Melissa was running through her school, she had a new maths teacher who was very strict, she couldn't be tardy or else she would cop a detention. Melissa entered the class room to find the teacher not there, she ran in noticing her friends.

"Thank God his not here yet", said Jade. Melissa just smiled and sat at her desk.

Melissa's nose felt itchy, she scratched it several time but it didn't fade away. Melissa closed her eyes and opened them, it was a dream. She was looking up at the ceiling. Melissa felt that tickling feeling again, but it was very interrogating, almost being forced. Melissa gulped.

The sensation was coming from her left, she shifted that way to find Sammy annoying her with a feather. She hated him and he had a lost look on his face. Melissa was sleep deprived let alone be woken up by this Neanderthal. She looked at him with despise and spat at him, her saliva particles landing all over his face. He closed his eyes and clenched his face, he quickly wiped his face with his forearm and jumped on Melissa, he was on top of her as if she was an inverted horse. He grabbed her by her head and began to thrust her head forward and backward slamming her into the mattress.

Melissa screamed in pain, she tried to fight him back; she pushed against his stomach hoping she has enough force to push him of her, but she couldn't, he was that strong.

Sammy began to slap her violently, "you stupid fucking bitch, why don't you get that I love you, you are mine you retard whether you like it or not, your mine forever and only mine.

I'm going you to have you by force Melissa." Sammy eased at Melissa but was holding her down very strongly, pinning her down to the bed that she couldn't even move a muscle.

Melissa didn't cry, not that she wasn't brave, but she couldn't, there was nothing to cry for. What was she going to cry for, her friends at study camp who were not even thinking of her or the people that she called family that neglected her, or even the person she thought loved her but turned to be a complete psychopath.

"Please", she cried desperately. "Just let me go, I swear I won't tell anyone".

Sammy chuckled. "Melissa hun, I don't think you know what forever is. I will be with you forever. Just think of the perfect life were going to have together." Melissa shuddered under his weight, having freed her arm she forced her exhausted arm to Sammy's face to push him off, but he grabbed her arm tightly and pinned it down.

"You're making this very hard for yourself Melissa, just listen to what I tell you and nothing bad will come your way, but if you continue to fight, I will continue to make this painful."

Melissa continued to fight back; Sammy backhanded her to her face which just sent tears rolling down her face. "I hate you!"

"Don't worry angel, the main thing is that I love you, and that your are mine forever!"

turned her face to the side; she didn't want to stare at his face anymore. She was repulsed.

"Melissa I know you better than anyone does. How you wish to be popular, which you accomplished." Melissa's face was filled with awe, how could he have possible notice this, this was locked up in her mind.

"I know that you want to grow into a mature and educated woman, how you want to go to university and become a lawyer. How you want to find the right love, get married and have a happy life."

Melissa's eyes opened wide in disbelief, she moved her head to the right so that his face was looking down at her, and her luscious green eyes were staring at him blankly. Deep down, behind the cold thick skin of Sammy's, Melissa could see warmth, a warmth she didn't want to feel, and wasn't going to feel.

She just kept starring at Sammy. Sammy continued speaking, persuading Melissa of some point, something he wanted to prove to her.

"Melissa please don't do this to me. I also know more Melissa, the fact that you want to have a baby and raise him, you want your son to be like his father."

Tears began to steam down Melissa's face, her vibrant green eyes glowing. "We can have that baby Melissa, just you and I. We can start a family, move somewhere and start a good life.

Don't worry about James, Melissa. And if you want we can do it now. You can leave your town and live here with me, you can finish school, and we can have a comfortable life together, we will love each other and we will take care of each other. We'll get married and have a baby, and he can look like me and you can study and look after him like you have always wanted to. Let's do it now Melissa." Melissa closed her eyes and tears kept pouring down her face, her future life flashed before her, she could easily see this happening.

Would Melissa risk it all? "What do you say Melissa?" Melissa didn't reply. "I'm leaving you to think about it, and I'm going to come back for an answer and it better be, yes".

'Great now he's forcing me to love him, I want to but at the same time I'm repulsed. What about my life and friends, my family. James was out of the picture; the love I once had for him turned me off, he used me and I knew he couldn't be trusted.

*** Shifts to Melissa's perspective***

Sammy left the room, I hoped as he exited that I would be free, I heard the twist of the lock. My heart shattered into pieces. The main objective on my mind was to escape; I could do so from any window since I was clothed. I leaped out of the bed dashing to check the door, but a metre from it I smashed the floor and hit my head, I was okay but my head was throbbing. How many hits have I taken yesterday and today? It was late noon, the sun at its end. The only reason I was laying on the floor was because I was still tied to the bed post. My knees were saved this time unlike the last, they were healed up completely.

The wood planked floor was cold, but the weather was chilly. The only way for me to escape was to cut the rope off or untie it somehow. My heels were tucked in the corner and were of no use to me. The only way to be free is to cut my leg off, I joked with myself thinking about the movie 'Saw'. I hopped onto the bed and moved forward towards the bed post, I took notice of the room, the library dominating it, he must be rich or just smart to live in a house like this, but who was I kidding, looks are deceiving. I fought with the rope trying to unknot it but it was useless. Beside the bed was a bedside table, Melissa looked though each drawer carefully finding nothing. Her luck changed when she opened the last drawer and found a pair of scissors. What a fool.

I quickly shifted back to the rear bedpost and kept looking at the door that was diagonally opposite me to the right, just in case he walked in. I placed the scissors on the band that was attached to my ankle. I began sawing the scissors into the rope; it took a good five minutes till the rope came off. I sighed in relief. I got to window and saw it was unlocked, then opened it letting in a fresh breeze into the sun-stricken room. I ran over to the other side of the room where the door was to see if Sammy was approaching, to my advantage he wasn't.

As I left the door I heard it being unlocked and the door being opened quickly, by this time I was already at the window. I put one leg over the window ledge at a time, the jump wasn't that high. Sammy was running like a bull towards me. I had my bottom on the ledge and was ready to jump. As I was pushing down on the ledge to support my body for the short jump, I felt Sammy's hands grab a bunch of my hair and pull me upwards, I roared in pain. He pulled me in from the window and dragged me to the floor which was one metre in height difference, all this in applied aggressive force. I cried and cried as he continued to drag me around the room.

"You fucking bitch! You're trying to run away. I swear to God I am going to break you." I was laid back on the floor when he came on top of me. He lifted my head with my hair and kept slapping my face. "Stupid Bitch", he yelled. He kept screaming at me.

He grabbed me by my head and shook me front and back smacking my head onto the thick wooden floor. He did this at least five times before I blacked out.


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