Chapter 6

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Melissa was given the benefit of the doubt of returning back to school. James and Sammy were lenient towards Melissa and allowed her to return to school and back home. It had only been one day since Melissa was kidnapped, so no suspicion was aroused around her family or school mates. The principal did however question Melissa on her "holiday", in which she simply answered "cancelled". It was third period just after recess break, Melissa was sitting down in geography, her senior class had been learning about weather charts and synoptic reading. Since Melissa was classified as a nerd, she had already visited this topic many weeks ago to keep ahead of the class and her studies.

Melissa glanced towards the direction of the blackboard, she was mesmerised in a trance. Melissa wasn't paying attention to her teacher as she gazed in weary condition, she was so lost in train of thought, the actual things she contemplated about disgusted her; she became furious and angry, she remembered what James and Sammy did to her, how they forced her, threatened and attacked her. Melissa was repulsed. She has mixed feelings running through her head; she wanted to report the two men to the authorities but knew she wouldn't, she had an ever-growing bond to James, and was lustful when it came to the staunch god Sammy.

Melissa wanted to forget about what happened, she wanted to forget about James and Sammy, she wanted to study and achieve the best marks she can for University, and most importantly she wanted to focus on her social life. Sure she was a stunning rich girl, but girls these days seemed more arrogant and bitchy towards each other than they are to boys. Melissa had erased James and Sammy from her memory, and she intended to move on. Thankfully she has told James not to pick her up from school anymore and he simply obliged. The one thing that ran through Melissa's mind now was James' last words before she got out of the car, "Melissa, I don't want you to be silly or hurt yourself, I don't want you talking to any guys, got it!".

Melissa rolled her eyes as she slammed the passenger door. The passenger window was electrically rolled down; Melissa didn't look back as she walked towards the three storey house she called home. "Remember Melissa", James shouted. "You are mine", with that Melissa turned around in anguish as James stared at her with a sick sadistic smile on his face and blew her a kiss. Melissa was woken up from her daydream by her teacher who repeatedly shouted her name. The day went by very quickly, Melissa went home. As she entered her home, Melissa realised that today was the day her parents went to Dubai for a one month business trip. She would have to stay alone at home, which she was already use to.

Melissa didn't really see her parents that much since they were money driven, hence, they didn't ask about her disappearance, to think of it, they probably never knew she was gone. Melissa was

excited that her parents departed, this gave her an opportunity to relax and start with her prioritised agenda.


The week had gone by without many occurrences. Melissa hadn't heard a word from James and she was glad, maybe he had forgotten about her to. Melissa was preparing her bed for sleep; her Betty Boop sheets were clean and fresh. She wore a blue silk tank top, with silky blue shorts. Melissa prayed before she slept. She switched off her lamp and tossed onto the side. She was nearing sleep when suddenly she heard her iPhone message alert, this frightened her as no one would contact her at midnight, unless it was her parents checking up on her and not calculating the time difference. She looked at the phone screen and looked at the message; it came from an American number that she didn't know of. Melissa read the message, she was petrified.

'Hi Angel, how are you? I miss you and can't wait to see you again. I hope you are ecstatic to see me. –Sammy'.

Melissa though twice about replying and she did; '

leave me alone you sick bastard', she quickly typed. It wasn't a minute before he replied, 'never Melissa, you are mine and will be mine forever. I own you got that. I'll be seeing you soon J'.

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