Chapter 6

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Bangkok (Thailand)

24 04 2016

The Siam hotel

2340 hours

Zayn places his empty beer bottle on the bar and sighs. "That's my fourth beer this evening. I'm gonna go to bed for the night."

"Already? You're such a quitter." Harry smirks. "I didn't raise a quitter."

Zayn stands up from the table and rolls his eyes, grabbing his suit. "I'm going. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Harry shoots Zayn an annoyed look. He knew that telling Zayn about what happened last night would be a mistake. He just wasn't sure when Zayn would make the first joke about it.

Louis stares at Zayn's back until he disappears, and then turns his head towards Harry.

"You told him?"

"About what?" Harry asks, playing dumb.

Louis rolls his eyes and plays with the bottle. "You know what."

"Why wouldn't I tell him about it? We always share that kind of stuff."

"Because it wasn't...anything really."

Harry shakes his head and takes a swig of his beer. "You're right. Getting each other off is nothing."

Louis stands up from the table. "I think I'm going to head in as well."

"In case you forgot, we're sharing a room."

"Give me the card then."

"I'm coming with you." Harry decides and stands up too. "Let's go."

The elevator ride is silent, with Louis staring at himself in the mirror while Harry's watching the numbers go up with every level they pass.

They eventually reach their floor, and Harry steps out first.

"I'm going to sleep on the couch tonight." Louis tells him after he looks at his watch.

"Are you serious? Did I make you that uncomfortable?" Harry asks, now feeling a bit sorry.

"It's not you. It's me."

Harry snorts, rolling his eyes. "This sounds like a cheesy breakup line out of a rom-com."

"It wasn't intended as one. Just...I'll take the couch and you take the bed tonight alright?"

Harry frowns, but doesn't ask any more questions, because Louis looks pretty serious and a bit angry as well.

He makes his way towards the bedroom after saying goodnight, and closes the door behind himself. He takes a shower and changes into a new pair of boxer briefs before getting into bed.


Harry's woken up by a bunch of noises coming from the living room of the suite. At first he thinks it's Louis trying to do something in the small kitchenette, but then he hears a distinctive, loud voice, something like a scream, and that instantly gets him out of bed within seconds.

When he gets to the living room, he sees Louis with his eyes closed, trashing and kicking as he lays on the couch. He's screaming something unintelligible, and there's sweat covering his forehead, so much that his hair is sticky.

Harry kneels down beside him and tries to shake him awake, but it doesn't help at all.

"Louis!" Harry yells and shakes him even harder, this time slapping him over the face. Louis sits up straight out of a sudden; eyes wide open, but blank nonetheless.

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