Chapter 8

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Thank you for the feedback on the laster chapter :D

This chapter is sort of a thank you and I really think you'll like it ;)

Happy reading and don't forget to comment throughout the chapter so I know what you liked/didn't like !


Moscow (Russia)

Private airport

07 05 2016

0220 hours

They touch down at the private airport in Moscow without any problems, and Louis doesn't hurry to unlock the main door.

"So?" he asks Harry, who's been watching over the original pilot for the past sixteen hours.

"He's also been paid to fly the plane here and not ask any questions. He's supposed to wait for the plane to be unloaded before he flies back to Mexico."

Louis raises his eyebrows. "How much did they pay him?"

"Twenty grand." Harry answers, and then takes a look out the window. "The guys are already here, waiting to unload the plane."

Louis smirks and takes a hold of his gun that was in the inside of his blazer. "Let's greet them, shall we?"

Harry nods in agreement, and after ordering the pilot not to move, he stands up with the gun in his hand as well.

"Listen to me." He addresses the pilot. "You take this plane to London, do you hear me? I've already talked to someone there and they're waiting for you to get a statement and everything. Nothing will happen to you, but you have to take the plane there. If you as much as try to take another route and go elsewhere, they will track you down."

The pilot nods and Harry uncuffs him afterwards. "Now. Go and open the main door, then take off once you hear a shot. Alright?"

The pilot nods again, so they let him go, and turn towards the door, waiting for it to open.

"Very secret agent-y of you." Louis says. "Bossy."

Harry snorts. "You like it, shut up."

"I didn't say I didn't like it." Louis continues, but shuts up as soon as the main door opens and the stairs fan out.

There are four men waiting for them with crossed arms and confused looks on their faces.

"Not again." Harry sighs and points a gun at them.

It's the same story; they were paid to unload the plane and drive the truck to an address, and then leave it there. They proceed to load up the truck at gunpoint, and then disappear right where they came from.

"Great. Cheers lads, we'll take it from here." Louis smiles at them as they walk away, before he fires a shot towards the sky, to let the pilot know he's good to take off.

"Niall, search me that address." Harry says into his watch as he gets into the driver's seat. "Oh, and get someone to the airport in London and look for a big blue plane."



"Good. So I found the address, it's fifty kilometers away in...Solntsevo."

"Oh good. A familiar neighborhood then."

"Are we going to keep on chatting or are you planning on driving this thing?" Louis intervenes, waving his gun around in boredom.

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