Taiga Aisaka

90 11 5

Character - Taiga Aisaka
Anime - Toradora!

So this guy in my school kept talking about the anime so I decided to watch it and it was actually really good. And I understand why the guy has a crush on Taiga xD
I think her hair is a bit too orange... Needs more brown >-<

I drew this some time after I watched Toradora. It's also another screenshot I took.

 It's also another screenshot I took

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This is from the 2nd opening.
Also I just realised I drew this exactly 1 day after the guys birthday xD
A few weeks ago I asked him if he wanted it but the subject just changed so I kept it anyway

Taiga awesomeness!

~ Cream

My drawingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora