Squid girl

74 7 13

Character - Ika Musume
Anime - Squid girl

Im actually proud of everything about this drawing. I'm even satisfied with the colour for once xD
I haven't actually watched squid girl, but this was the first anime my sister watched and the only one actually. So she requested me to draw it for her.

I drew it once and I couldn't get the face structure right because I started with the hair

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I drew it once and I couldn't get the face structure right because I started with the hair. So I tried again and started with the face and then it went right.

Then I went over it with a darker pencil like I do with all my drawings!

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Then I went over it with a darker pencil like I do with all my drawings!

Then I went over it with a darker pencil like I do with all my drawings!

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Then I did the shading and her eyes. I fell in love with her eyes 😍

This is the original picture ^^^^

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This is the original picture ^^^^

I gave it to my sister a while ago and she really liked it! Now it's stuck on our bedroom wall. Even though I like this drawing, the one of Luffy that I did is still by far the best in my opinion... Idk but I like it so much.

~ Cream

My drawingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora