A person

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So a person in my year asked me to draw them and sent me a photo of them. I took one look at it and thought I wouldn't do it! But then I already told him I would do it. I guess it turned out better than I expected it to.

I would put up the picture of the guy I had to draw but I would feel weird doing that so I'm not going to. Instead I'll search through my bin to find the first attempt which turned out bad so I threw it away xD

No forget it! I found it and it was too crumpled to see properly when I took a picture of it.

Anyway, this was my 2nd time drawing a real person instead of anime. The first time was when a girl asked me to draw her about a year ago. She liked it, hopefully this guy will like it too since I put much more effort into it.

I'm just hoping his friends don't come asking me to draw them too >-<

~ Cream

My drawingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora