Human attempt no.2

30 4 5

I couldn't find my paper thing with my account tag on it and I wasn't bothered to make a third one again, so I just added a tag instead.

I couldn't find my paper thing with my account tag on it and I wasn't bothered to make a third one again, so I just added a tag instead

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So I started off shading the snap chat dog filter part because it looked alright.

Then I had to fix his hairline slightly before drawing his Afro hair xD then I moved onto his hoodie thing and it turned out so well I was scared of ruining it

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Then I had to fix his hairline slightly before drawing his Afro hair xD then I moved onto his hoodie thing and it turned out so well I was scared of ruining it.

Then I had to fix his hairline slightly before drawing his Afro hair xD then I moved onto his hoodie thing and it turned out so well I was scared of ruining it

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I ended up finishing the hoodie but then I had to draw the eyes and shade his face 😬 I was so scared of ruining it. But as you can see in the first pic, it tuned out really well. With the help of one of my friends of course. She helped me sort out the eyes


My drawingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora