Searching For Answers

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The hospital was buzzing with patients and movement as she wandered in. It had become a common site to those around and they'd grown fond of it.

"Hello Grace-" "Hey Noel, have you seen Charlie?" He smiled pointing towards the nurses station before he turned back to the line of people in front of him. "Thanks!"

Grace happily skipped off towards him before jumping up onto the side. "Hello missy, how was school?" She rolled her eyes with a groan causing Charlie to laugh. "It's just like having your Mum here..." Grace laughed before beginning to explain her day.

Almost an hour had passed and Grace was still in the ED. She was currently sat at her Mum's desk doing her homework. She found it a comfort sitting here like this, Elliot worked upstairs anyway so it made sense for her to wait for him to finish.

Zoe stuck her head around the office door with a smile. "I might just have to let your Mum know she's lost her office!" Grace smiled jumping up and hugging Zoe. "How you doing?" Grace shrugged sitting back down again with her legs crossed up on the chair.

"Okay, this is driving me crazy I've never been any good at it. Mum always helped me." Zoe stood beside her looking down before crouching next to Grace. "What is it?" "Maths, I hate it." Zoe smiled nodding. "Me too, not my strong point... Do you fancy a break? I'm thinking something high in calories and sugar coated?"

Grace nodded getting up and following Zoe out of the room and towards the small shop. "How's living with your Uncle Elliot?" Grace laughed. "Yesterday he almost forgot I was there and turned the lights off downstairs, scared him when I spoke from the darkness." Zoe laughed as she paid for the drinks, Grace picking up her own.

"Have you heard from them, your Mum and Jacob?" Grace shook her head. She didn't mind, it kind of made it easier not speaking to her all the time. "It's alright though, I like it this way. And it means I can come here all the time, she'd probably moan if she knew." Zoe nodded knowing Grace was probably right.

Robyn began talking about the various going ons of the hospital putting Grace into fits of laughter multiple times. The girls sat in the staffroom until Zoe was called away to a patient. Grace decided to head back to Connie's office sitting herself down once again.

After another hour Grace had finished all her work closing the book before glancing around the room. She stood up turning the lamp on in the corner of the room before her eyes fell to a small picture frame.

Grace picked it up smiling at the image. It was of her and Connie in America. Her eyes began to water as she thought about spending time with her Mum and everything they used to do together. She put it back down quickly wiping at her eyes not wanting anyone to see her cry.

She continued to look through the different pieces of paper before finding a letter. It had Grace's name on it but she had never seen it before. She took it back to the desk and sat down opening it up.

If I know you as well as I think I do you'll find this after going through my paperwork, so firstly stop it! And secondly remember I love you.

You'll always be my baby girl and nobody will ever take that away from us. No matter what happens I will always be here for you, whether I'm with you or on the other side of the world.

I know that I'll be missing you like crazy right now, and I'll be counting down the days until I can come home to you. If you need to talk about anything then call me because hearing your voice can only brighten my day. Unless you're telling me you got expelled from school then it might not be such a happy conversation!

I hope that school has been alright and that life with Elliot isn't too tragic! I know Charlie will be taking care of you as well, and Zoe has no doubt been giving you so much sugar I'll have to ween you off of it when I'm home! I expect to hear all the gossip you've earned from Robyn soon too!

I love you baby, see you soon
Love Mum
P.S I expect a clean office when I get back! x x x

Grace had a smile plastered to her face throughout reading the letter. She laughed to herself before noticing Charlie had stepped into the office. "Everything alright?" Grace glanced up nodding quickly. "What have you got there?"

Charlie perched on the sofa as Grace wandered over and sat with him. "It's from my Mum, I found it." Charlie read part of it over her shoulder laughing before Grace folded it up and put it in her bag. "Do you think they'll be back soon? I miss her."

It was the first time Grace had mentioned it and he had a feeling if it wasn't for the letter she wouldn't say anything at all. Charlie wrapped an arm around Grace's shoulder as she curled into his side. "I'm sure they will be, any time will feel like a long time when you're waiting for it though. Why don't we call her tomorrow, as soon as you're here after school?"

He felt her nod her head briefly before they both remained sitting their quietly. Grace loved talking to Charlie, he was like the Grandad she never had. She began to fall asleep against him as Elliot appeared in the office doorway with a smile. "We should get you home, your Mother would only kill me if she knew you were this tired and still awake." Grace laughed slightly grabbing her bags before hugging Charlie goodbye, shouting to Zoe with a wave and finally leaving.

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