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Standing in front of me was a young girl. She had pale skin and pink rosy cheeks. Short light brown hair right above her shoulders. Large open eyes and a vacant smile. She was wearing a light green shirt with a single thick yellow stripe on it. Also, she had on brown pants and a pair of brown ankle boots. Physically she looked like nothing more than a regular young girl, but that was a lie. The truth is inside that young girl lies a vile and rotten personality.

She is the thing that lurks in the darkness and keeps you up at night, shaking with fear. A real psychopathic murder. A demon so horrible that hell would be too great of a place for her. That's why she's here, making my life miserable. We were standing in a empty void, surrounded by darkness. It was completely silent except for her voice. She spoke in a low soft tone, slowly, pronouncing each word delicately.

"Greetings. I am Chara. The demon that comes when called. Except you never call. You did well in pushing me out before the fun started last time. Now you're keeping that smiling trash bag as a safety net. How nice. You love him right? Well, it doesn't matter. I can't do much with him around anyway. Our LOVE is too low and we don't have enough EXP to take on the bony judge right now. It's okay. We'll get EXP later, when he's not around. He won't always be around. I'll be waiting. Good bye for now,(Y/n)." Chara said speaking slowly.

She disappeared and all I heard was Chara's horrifying laugh getting louder and louder until it hushed and then it was absolutely silent.

When I woke up I quickly hopped out of the bed. I looked around and noticed that I was still safe and sound in Toriel's home. I sighed in relief and then heard a knocking on the door. The door opened to reveal Toriel with a slice of butterscotch-cinnamon pie.

"Oh, My child I thought you were still sleeping. I came by to bring you a slice of pie. Did I wake you?" Toriel asked me.

"It's fine I had a bad dream and woke up right now. Thanks for the pie. I'll eat the pie in the living room with you mom." I said really quick without thinking about my word choice. Snap! I didn't mean to call her mother it just kinda slipped out. I hope she's not weirded out by it.

"Did you just call me mom?" Toriel asked me with a surprised look on her face.

"Uh, Yea. I'm sorry it just kinda slipped out." I answered shyly.

"I supposed if it would make you happy to refer to me as mother. You may call me whatever you like." Toriel said with a big smile.

She looked happy to be called mother. I'm glad to make her happy. Toriel is everything a mother should be.

"Thanks mom." I said.

I followed momma goat outside to the living room. San's was sitting on the recliner, completely asleep. That skeleton could sleep standing up if he really wanted to. About that....

I sat with Toriel at the dinner table. She gave me a slice of pie and sat at the seat on my right. The seat at my left was really small. Probably for younger children that had fallen in the ruins before. She hands me the slice of pie and a fork and I dig in.

"Delicious, I sure missed this." I said

"Missed?" Toriel asked

Uh-oh I slipped again. I forget that most of the time people don't remember anything from the previous timelines.

"Uhhh, I meant like a home cooked meal.. Since I'm far from home. I should probably leave soon. Go home you know." I said nervously.

"Home? This is your home sweetie. Leaving here wouldn't be safe" Toriel says.

No, it's always the same. I have to convince her to let me go and it's never easy. She cried when I first left, it broke her heart to let me go. If she would've just let me go in the previous timelines Chara wouldn't have killed her all those times. Well, Chara isn't in control now. I know I can spare her this time.

"I have to do something. Stay here." Toriel said as she walked away.

I ran after her. "Toriel, wait!" I yelled while chasing her down to the basement.

We were right in front of door leading to the rest of the underground. Toriel was upset at me for insisting on leaving.

"If you leave the ruins... They... ASGORE... Will kill you. I am only protecting you. Do not try to stop me." Toriel said in a serious tone.

"I can't do that. There are things that I have to do outside of these ruins." I begged for her to understand.

"You are just like the others.... There is only one solution. Prove yourself." Toriel said as the room went dark and she was ready to battle.

No, not again. I felt her inside me. Chara was pushing me to the back of the conscience now, I took a step forward that was not my choice. This was Charas chance to gain EXP. She'll kill her!

"SANS HELP." I yelled desperately.

Bones suddenly flew down piercing the ground all around me. I was trapped in a cage made of blue bones. The light in the room returned and me and Toriel were out of battle. I looked behind me to see Sans, his eye and left hand was glowing blue. I felt a release of pressure inside, once again my body was mine to control. I dropped to my knees and let tears fall from my eyes. I felt so relieved.

Sans walked over to Toriel. He tipped toed to reach her ear and whispered something to her. I couldn't hear what he was saying to her. Toriel thanked Sans for something and walked over to me. The bones surrounding me disappeared.

"Goodbye, my child." Toriel said as she kneeled down and embraced me tightly.

" I love you, mother." I whispered quietly to her.

She got up and wiped a tear from her eye. Toriel went back into her house it was just me and Sans now.

"That was a close, huh?" I said

He was deep in thought. He looked up at me with his big goofy smile.

"My bad, I was sleeping on the job. Should've bone better." Sans replied

I laughed at the god awful pun.

"Heh. You can do better than that."

"Still made you laugh, that's what counts." Sans says as he walked towards me and wiped the tears off my face with his gloves. Sans taking care of me fills me with determination.

"We should get going." He said.

Sans took my hand and together we opened the door and left the ruins. 

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