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I examined myself in the mirror, looking at my outfit from different angles. I held my hair up before letting it cascade past my shoulders. I was extremely nervous. I would know no one there apart from Luke – and Jesse if he really was going to gate-crash – and so I had no one to ask about my outfit and it's suitability. At the moment I had on a gold sequined skirt and black top. I would probably throw a denim jacket over the top with some black, heeled boots. My makeup was pretty natural and I'd eventually decided to leave my hair down.

My phone buzzed, letting me know Luke was on his way to the bus station, which probably meant I should get going. I was really beginning to regret not telling mum about this, but luckily she was already asleep thanks to the pregnancy. She probably wouldn't wake up until at least ten in the morning, by which time I could be back and pretend I had never gone. Even so, I left a note saying I had gone to help Freya with a crisis and would be staying over. It sounded pretty believable to me,

I sneaked out of the door, shutting it quietly, hoping desperately not to wake mum up. Setting off on the five-minute walk to the bus station, I began to be a little spooked by the darkness. Various sounds filled the night, and it was pretty cold. Why didn't I bring a thicker jacket? Or a coat?

Eventually I arrived at the bus stop to see, thank god, Luke waiting in his car. I quickly jumped in, shivering.

"Cold?" he asked, smiling slightly.

"Yeah, a little."

We set off, and I noticed Luke glance at me a few times. At last he commented, "You look really... nice. I mean, pretty."

I smiled. "Thanks. You cleaned up pretty well yourself."

"Just because I'm not in a wetsuit." He laughed.

"I've seen you in normal clothes before," I reminded him. "Remember? When we first met?"

Luke grimaced. "Yep. I remember."

"You still feel bad, huh?" I asked grinning.

"Yeah, a bit."

"Don't worry. I'm over it." When he still looked uncertain, I laughed a little. "Seriously. You don't need to worry."

"I guess. At this party, though, I'll make up for it. You'll have fun, I promise," he reassured me.

"I'm a little nervous," I admitted.

"Don't be. Everyone will love you. Jenna will be there, so you'll know her as well," Luke told me.

"Oh, does that mean her boyfriend Cody will be there?" I questioned, beginning to feel a bit more relieved.

"She'll bring him for sure. Those two." He shook his head a little.

In that case, Jesse probably wouldn't need to gate crash. He would just go with Cody, I supposed. I hoped.

A few minutes later, we arrived at a house with a beat pumping loudly inside. There were a few people outside, either drinking and talking or kissing. Several people glanced at Luke and me as we made our way inside, then went back to whatever they were doing before. My heart was pounding nearly as loud as the music. I really didn't want a repeat of my first party.

Inside, teenagers clutching drinks were standing in groups. The nerves began to return as a few looked me up and down before either sneering or just plain ignoring me. Luke, seeming to sense my discomfort, put a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, don't be nervous. Everyone will love you. Why don't I get you a drink?"

Not really listening, I nodded absentmindedly as I continued to look round at all the people. In all honesty, I was looking for Jesse, or Cody. I would even be happy to see Ian right now.

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