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It was on that Monday night, the first day of school, that I got hit with another memory. It started off as a dream which turned into a vivid vision.

I stand on the top of the sand dunes, the wind buffeting my back, my face, everywhere, but it feels good. I can see the whole of the beach - I can see all the people walking their dogs, couples ambling along the beach together, hand in hand, small children making sandcastles... There's one person I'm keeping my eye out for, but he doesn't seem to be there.


I turn at the voice, and see Jack standing at the bottom of the dune. He's grinning at me and I find myself grinning back.

"Run into my arms!" he calls, and I laugh before sprinting down the steep slope.

Jack catches me at the bottom, lifting me up and spinning me around. I don't care it's cold, I don't care that the salty spray is making my hair look like a tangled mess, all I care about right now is that I am in his arms.

"I missed you," I murmur once he puts me down and rests his forehead against mine. He'd been away in Australia - yes, Australia - visiting a relative for the past two weeks and a half.

"I missed you," he responds, but then he smiles. "But Australia is amazing. I can't even begin to describe it," he suddenly smirks at me."Maybe one day I can take you there."

My cheeks warm at his comment but I feel happy he wants to go there - with me. "That would be... pleasant." Jack laughs at my word choice. "So tell me all about Australia."

Jack grins. "I will, in a second." His eyes lower to my lips. "I just need to do this first."

And without any warning he kisses me.

I kiss him back without any hesitation. His hands are on my waist, holding me tightly, and one of my hands is clutching at his shirt, bringing him as close as possible to me, and the other is messing up his hair. It's like we can't get enough of each other. His arms wrap tightly around me, pressing my body against his. It's as if the wind or cold isn't there anymore. I forget about the people around us. I forget about everything. I can only think about the pressure of his lips against mine, his taste, his touch, his scent, and all of this just makes me feel like I've got my head in the clouds. My heart is pounding like crazy and my mind is just a mess. Jack does that to me. I can't help it. He just makes my heart and head go haywire.

When we finally break apart, we're both breathing heavily. Then Jack smirks at me. "I missed that."

I, still trying to recover from that heavy make-out session, just nod, fixing my hair, a permanent smile on my face. "Hm, yeah, me too."

Jack chuckles at the effect he has on me. He knows he makes me crazy. And he loves it. He loves the things he can do to me.

"So, Australia, huh?" I say as Jack puts his arm around me. We begin to walk up the beach. "What's it like?"

"Incredible." Jack gazes at me with a look that makes me want to throw myself at him again. "Just would have been better with you."

I blush at his comment, and we continue walking up the beach together.

When I woke up, I wanted to lie back down and sleep again, pursuing my dream. I kept my eyes closed for a while as the effects of the dream lingered. Like Jack's lips, his touch, his voice... I couldn't stop thinking about him. And Jesse. I wouldn't be able to look at Jesse now without thinking of kissing him.

What is this doing to me.

I lay there for a moment, savouring the dream. Then I remembered I had school and I reluctantly got up.

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