(12) - Part 2

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When we reached the sea it was once again cold on my toes. Jesse was already waist deep and was standing there, waiting for me to catch up. I waded in, shivering as the level cold water rose. I reached Jesse, who turned to smile at me.


I nodded slightly, and Jesse put his arm around me, hugging me close. I couldn't suppress a smile. We both looked up at the clear sky, where stars were beginning to shine through. The half moon hung low in the sky like a lopsided smile, causing a reflection on the water. I suddenly felt an impulse to lie back in the cool water. So I slipped away from Jesse's arm and lay down on the surface of the water, floating there. Jesse chuckled but soon joined me. Even though the water was close to freezing, it calmed me. I lay there and watched the ever-growing number of stars. I swiftly dipped my face under the water before resurfacing, standing back up and letting my now wet hair cascade down my back.

I looked towards Jesse, grinning, but he wasn't smiling. Instead his eyes were taking in every inch of me, finally reaching my eyes. He stood back up as well, moving close to me. He ran the back of his finger down my cheek, looking deeply into my eyes. We were both silent. One hand reached for my waist, pulling me even closer. I couldn't help it. I brought one of my hands up to cup his face, and the other went around the back of his neck.

My heart was going into overdrive right now.

Our faces moved closer together until I could feel his breath on my lips. My eyes met his again. His gorgeous sapphire eyes. He closed his, sighed, and then opened them again. He almost looked as if he'd resigned to something, and he began to lean down.

"Ri, Ri, Ri!" A high pitched voice broke our moment and we both pulled back. Oh my god. We'd so nearly kissed. I was glad it was dark now because I was sure I was blushing like hell. That whole thing had left me flustered and unhinged. One glance at Jesse told me he was feeling the same.

I peered to see who had interrupted our little ... occasion. Freya. Of course. And it appeared she was tipsy, verging on drunk.

Oblivious of the tension between Jesse and I, she threw her arms around me, splashing me with water as she did so.

"I've missed you so much!" she squealed.

I laughed a bit nervously. "Uh... it really hasn't been that long since you last saw me."

"It feels like forever." She stepped back and giggled. "You've been hiding a hot body, girl. No wonder Jesse can't keep his eyes and hands off of you."

Oh god.

I blushed beetroot red. Jesse cleared his throat awkwardly.

I gave a nervous giggle, running my hands through my wet hair. "Um... where's Rick?"

She turned around and pouted. "He was here with me a second ago." Then she cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled, "Rick!"

I saw a figure coming closer to us, splashing through the water. I was able to make out his features as he drew nearer, and I realised it was Rick.

He threw an arm around Freya and glanced at Jesse and I.

"Did we interrupt something?" He waggled his eyebrows. I realised Jesse and I were still quite close together - really only a few inches apart - and I stepped back, my cheeks heating up.

"No," Jesse answered for me. I looked towards him, but he avoided my eyes. "I was just getting out, actually. See you guys." And he left us.

Ouch. That kind of hurt.

Freya and Rick turned back to me, their faces expectant.

"What?" I demanded. For some reason I was feeling really annoyed. Maybe it was the after-effects of nearly kissing Jesse. Maybe the alcohol was getting to me a bit. I didn't know.

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