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I smiled watching my small family and shook my head as they fought over the last slice of cake that I had made. I went back into the kitchen and sat at the island as another cake baked in the oven.

A lot had happened since my mom was arrested a few years ago year. They had went to arrest Kendrick but he committed suicide because he couldn't live with what he did to me. He claims even though we were related I was the love of his life in his letter.

Putting all that behind me, I moved out of Florida completely and decided I didn't want to go too far so I went to Atlanta. I still kept in touch with Shae, her parents and Trey. They had gotten married and had a daughter. Kaelin loved to act as if she was her big sister like she didn't have enough siblings.

I had gave birth to twins after the crazy incident. I decided to keep the "K" theme and named them Kash and Ketara. They were now four and bad as ever, they were just some months younger than Jayceon's son Elijah. Shantanay ended up having a boy and he came out very cute.

Things were going well and they were co-parenting and me and her were being cordial but a few month ago she was killed by some guy she was seeing. He was crazy and thought she was cheating with Jay and choked her to death. Jay took it pretty hard because even though a lot of crazy things happened between them that was the first girl he ever loved and she didn't deserve to go out like that. I took on raising Elijah but made sure he understood I wasn't his real mother.

Kaelin knew he wasn't related to her but she loved him like he was her brother. I couldn't believe Kaelin was already ten. She grew up to be very beautiful and I knew in a few short years I would have problems with these young boys. Ka'ron had gotten himself together and he was apart of her life. I still didn't fully trust him but I still allowed them to communicate. Jayceon was still against him and wanted to fight him every time he saw him.

Speaking of Jayceon, we had been together five years and nothing much has changed. My feelings for him have only grown stronger in the past years but sometime I question how he feels about me. He tells me he loves me and he's happy I'm the mother of his kids but I can't help but to wonder...where's my ring?. We spoke about marriage earlier in our relationship and we were in the same page. Now it seems as if the idea of marriage isn't even an option right now.

I've gotten myself together, I went back to school so I could get a better job to provide and spoil myself and my man sometimes. I keep myself looking right, hair done, nails done, everything did. I take care of our kids, keep the house clean, I was basically doing everything a wife should but I wasn't one and that bothered me. I didn't want to force someone to marry me but I've hinted at me. I leave bridal magazines around the house, everything but he remains clueless.

"What you in here day dreaming about, better not burn my favorite room down" Jayceon joked stepping into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and playfully hit him when walked behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Where are the kids?" I asked as he planted kisses on my neck.

"Livingroom where they belong, we could sneak off and have quickie" he whispered nibbling on my ear. I bit my lips and stood up stepping away from him.

"I'm cooking, sorry" I smiled patting his cheek. It had been two weeks so I knew he was frustrated but I didn't care. I didn't want our relationship to be purely sex based.

"Come on it's been a while" he groaned nodding his head down towards his hard member.

"We're having family night so I think you should go handle that, don't want to scare the kids" I said pinching his cheeks.

"Did I do something? Is this about the whole marriage thing?" He asked making me freeze.

"What?" I asked playing dumb.

"You think I'm dumb, I noticed the sudden appearance of wedding magazines and shit thrown around" he said giving me a straight face.

"Jay that's something I want and something you said you wanted"

"Shit changes and we good where we at, we got our kids, nice house, both working, why change that?" He shrugged.

"I give you everything and you can't give me this one thing. I handle your bank account, your money, I take care of the kids that you wanted so bad, you want me
do all the things a wife does but can't make it official?" I asked trying to understand the bullshit he was saying.

"Marriage complicates shit and I don't like feeling trapped" he said.

"Oh so marrying me would be like being trapped and complicated huh?"

"That's not what I meant Gold" he groaned just as the timer went off.

"Cakes ready, you can go back in the livingroom and tell the kids to start the movie" I said turning away from him. I was getting tired of this, I've been compromising for five years, when is it going to be his turn.


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