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Okay so yes y'all Jayceon is gone, he did not fake his death. The only way you'll see him is in flashbacks and dreams or whatever other circumstances I make him appear in.


"Shae this is not the time for that" I said rubbing my temples. I held my stomach and took a breath trying to relax.

"Excuse me?" Claire said taking a step towards Shae. Shae mother stepped up when she saw her make a move.

"Mom can you fucking stop!" Jayda yelled jumping up.

"Who the hell you think you talking to?"Claire said taking her shoe off, chucking it at Jayda before lunging at her. Jayceon's father quickly held her. In the midst of all this chaos the doorbell rang. I swear people always decided to show up at the wrong time. I walked out the livingroom and walked towards the front door where I saw, Trey talking to someone I hadn't seen in a while.

"Goldielocks" he smiled.

"Jason?" I said with a smile on my face. Jason was one of Jayceon closest friends, he always helped talk some sense into him. Since we moved, Jay and him weren't as close but they still thought of eachother as brothers.

"I hopped on the jet, the minute I heard, how you holding up?" he asked walking in. I nodded and gave a small smile as he pulled me into a long hug.

"Trying to stay strong for the little ones, how about you?" I asked looking towards to room off that foyer that the kids were in. My dad running around with a mask while the kids ran from him and laughed. Kaelin, Ada, and Ava were all on their phones with headphones in ignoring everyone. We still hadn't told them what happened, I knew all three of them would take it hard.

"I was just talking to him the other day, I was planning a trip out here to see y'all" he sadly revealed.

"Everyone's in the livingroom" I said not wanting to get into a conversation about Jayceon that would lead me to cry.

"Gold" he called out grabbing my arm. You could tell from his eyes that tell he was hurt from this.


"I know Jayceon probably did some fucked up shit during y'all relationship but he grew up in a fucked up home. I'm not saying it's an excuse but he loved you the best way he knew how" he said before walking into the livingroom. I had to take deep breaths and get myself together before going back into the livingroom. I wish I hadn't because when I did Claire and Shaelyn were fighting.

"Your daughter is a liar" Claire yelled.

"Your son was messy as hell and you knew that" Shaelyn argued.

"What is going on?" I yelled over the madness.

"Tell me that shit ain't true" She yelled pointing towards me. I looked behind me and saw Trey standing there. John looked at Trey like he was ready to fight him if he didn't like the response he gave.

"There is a chance Elijah could be mine" Trey admitted holding his head down.

"What?" Jason said looking at Trey like he was crazy.

Before anyone else could say or do anything, John punched Trey in his face knocking him out.

"Pops!" I groaned running over. Jason sighed and picked Trey up dragging him out the room.

"Can everyone please stop!" Jayda said standing in the middle of the room. "Jayceon is gone and all y'all been doing is fighting, I don't care who Elijah father is, that's still gon be my nephew"

"You need to be quiet" Claire said.

"No you need to be quiet and I've been quiet long enough, it's my turn to speak." Jayda boldly shot back. The look on Claire's face showed she was shocked.

"How about everybody sit down and calm down" Richard suggested clearly not being able to stand being around his ex wife much longer.

"You better listen to your father Jayda" Claire warned giving her a look.

"Shae lets go before I kick this heifer in her throat" Shaelyn said grabbing John's arm and Shae's. They left and went through the door that lead to my kitchen. Now there was only me, Claire, Richard and Jayda left in the room.

"What you scared I'ma say something thats gon have people looking at you differently." Jayda spoke defiantly not backing down from her mother.

"Jayda Emeka Carter, you shut the hell up right now" Claire said with a panicked look on her face. I looked at Jayda and wondered what the hell was going on. Clearly Jayda knew something about her mother that no one else knew.

"You afraid I'm gonna say something that's gonna remind you that your the reason both your kids grew up with a fucked up head?" Jayda spoke lowly but everyone heard. Richard had a confused expression on his face and look back and forth from the both of them.

What the hell was going on?


Hey y'all 🤘🏾🤘🏾

So what do y'all think?

Any ideas on what Jayda is talking about?

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