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"Tay stop" I giggled pushing his hands off my thigh. He completely ignored me and slipped his hands in my tights. My seat was reclined back so I was laying down while he drove.

"You still wants me to stop?" He smirked after he saw my facial expression.

"Yes" I moaned throwing my head back. He slipped a finger inside of me and that sent me off.

"It don't look like you do" he said adding a second finger not taking his eyes off the road.

I jumped up out of my sleep feeling a punch land on my arm. I turned and saw Kash mean mugging me as I sat next to him on the plane.

"I swear on everything if I find out you fucking that nigga, I'm killing him then I'm fucking you up" he threatened getting up to go sit with Elijah. I was so embarrassed that I had wet dream about Tay while sitting next to my brother. Tay and I never did anything together but we did like each other.

"Hey Ket Kat" Ka'ron smiled sitting next to me. My mom invited him and his girlfriend but his girlfriend was busy. Ka'ron and my uncle Trey had been the closest thing to a father figure since I was little.

"Hey Ronald McDonald" I smiled.

"Why Kash got up? I saw him punch you then leave, do I have to handle him?" He laughed throwing little jabs in the air.

"No he's just acting like a big baby because I wouldn't let him date my friend" I lied smoothly. I told Ka'ron a lot of things, more things than I told my mom but I was nervous. He was very protective of all of us and didn't want me dating at all. I felt like my mom was going through a lot with us so I didn't want to worry her with my teenage problems.

"I know you lying but when you ready, you can tell me" he sat back closing his eyes.

"If I tell you can you promise not to get mad and please don't tell my mom"

"What did you do? You still a... you know?" He asked.

"No it's nothing like that, I'm still...yeah that's not..I like this guy but he's Kash's teammate. Kash got mad because I had a dream about his friend, I guess he heard me talking about him in my sleep"

"Why would he be mad about a dream?" He asked. I gave him a look then it all click in his head.

"Ohhhh...wow...okay uh, did you and him ever get close to.."

"No we kissed a few times but I don't want to take it there and he respects that" I confessed.

"What happened to you liking cars and punching any boy that tries to kiss you" he groaned rubbing his temple.

"What should I do?"

"I think you should tell your mother about all of this, trust me she'll be more than understanding"

"Are you sure she won't be mad?" I asked.

"I promise you" he smiled.


"Are you serious right now?!" My mother yelled at Ka'ron. They didn't know I was listening since I was suppose to be in my room. Ka'ron said he was going to talk to her then come and get me. They rented out a huge house that could hold 20 people, it had two kitchen, two pools and an amazing view. My mom had a room away from everyone else so I knew I wouldn't be seen eavesdropping. The door was left opened so I peaked in.

More Than Gold [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now