Chapter II

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"Come on Autumn!"

"You can do it!"

"Make that jump and we're done with jumping today!"

"Come on girl!"

"You can do it!"

As Autumn jumps over a fallen log, we land in a large clearing in the corner of it flows a waterfall and a stream. I dismount Autumn in hopes to give her a rest. I flounce over to the stream, bend down and plunge my cupped hands into the icy cold stream. When my hands fill I bring them to my lips. Just as I start drinking, I hear a branch breaking. 

It's just an animal.

 I continue to drink until I hear a sound. This time it is way closer. I get up and call out to the trees.

"Hello," I call. "Who's there?"

Just as I'm turning away a boy steps out.

"M'lady! You mustn't be here," Yells the boy.

Curse my blonde hair! 

"M'lady they mustn't find out you are here. They will kill you."

When I  look at the boy I freeze..... The boy is 17 maybe 18, so that made him a year or two older than me, he has a green hat on and he has dark brown, almost black eyes. 

I quickly run towards Autumn, but the long dress I'm wearing trips me, causing me to fall. The boy who is a few feet behind me rushes over and bends down and he grabs my arm to help me up.

"Don't touch me!" I yell.

"I just want to help you m'lady." answers the boy.

"Well... um..." I didn't know his name. "I can take care of myself. Just stand away from me. Far away."

"My name is Fabian, m'lady."

"Well, Fabian.... My name is... uh... my name is Emma. Not m'lady."

"Well, my  Lady Emma, you must leave the forest they are looking for you as we speak."

"Listen, Fabian, I have three things to tell you. One, you can't tell me what to do. Two, who is this "They"? And three, I am NOT your lady.
Suddenly, near where we are we hear a wolf's howl.

"You must leave this instant they already know you are here. Get on your horse and leave Lady Emma, you mustn't be harmed, you are an important part of a plan greater than you could imagine. Safe travels."

"W-wait! W-why are you helping me? Hey! Let go of m-"

He grabs me by my waist and hoists me onto Autumn, he then takes the reins from the tree where I had left them and sends me on my way.

I sit in a daze and when I snapped out of it, Autumn is quite far away from the clearing but I can still see it.
When I turn around to look at Fabian he was gone.

What a strange but cute boy...

"Ok, Autumn let's go home." 

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