Chapter 12: Career?

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One fuck it's been a long time hahahaha. I've missed ya honey bees but I was trying to wrap up I'm a Cheerleader sorry hahaha. Plus I heard some bad news. I'm gonna miss ya bro (salutes) hahaha (smiles sadly) You weren't perfect Jake but who is? Love ya bro and I'll keep being strong. I hope your free and happy now. Can we have some silence......or some clapping for all he has done. Well to the story.

Maclain's POV
Fuck this sucks. Oh sorry let me start from the beginning. Mr. RichAss brought me to the place and guess what? They didn't believe that person was me. Yeah so I had to embarrass myself and now here I am staring at a bald rich guy. He looks like someone pissed in his cereal today.

"H-"I started to say.

"A man wearing women clothes isn't new, why should we hire you? Let you sing and make money?"the bald guy asked staring at me.

WELL DAMN. No hi, no introductions? Rude ass.

"Well Mr.RichRudeAss I have a lot of better things to do then be here looking at your forehead all day."I said rolling my eyes and he glared.

"Oh really, like what?"he asked leaning back in his seat.

I grinnned and leaned forward. "Stripping." I said and his eyes widen.

"Holy- What are you doing at your age-"he started to say.

"Now now Baldy that's not any of your business. Now let's get back to the topic my career in singing. I can make your place big and better. Just give me three months and I'll prove it." I said and he shook his head looking amused.

"Three months?"he asked.

"I don't think you want me sitting here everyday do ya?" I asked and he sighed.

"We don't give chances or things like this."he said.

"Fine by me." I said standing up. "Someone else will become rich because of me." I said shrugging.

"Fine."he said and I smirked and turned to look at him. "Three months, blow it you blow it."he said putting out his hand.

"Oh I can blow it." I said winking about to shake his head but he put his hand down looking in disgust.

"Just please get out."he said.

"Glady seeing your shiney head blinds me." I said leaving his office then exhaling.

Mr.RichAss smiled at me. "You did it?"he asked.

"Yeah now drive me home." I said.

"Uh I don't think so."he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I'm not getting paid so the least you can do is say please."he said as we got in the elevator.

"Psh fuck what you want. I can walk, exercise is good anyway." I said as we went down and he sighed.

"Your so stubborn."he said.

"I'm younger too." I said grinning.

"Shut up."he said glaring.

As we got in his car and on the road I smiled to myself.

"Why are you smiling?"he asked.

"Why are you ugly?" I asked and he stopped his car earning honks and curses fromother drivers.

"One I'm not ugly. Two you can get out my car."he said.

"One yes you are. Two I will glady." I said and he sighed frustratedly and startex to drive faster.

"Hey don't kill us." I said clenching onto my seatbelt.

"Ah I see your wearing a seatbelt."he said smirking as he passed before the light turned red.

"With a murder? Yes." I said and he rolled his eyes. "You still haven't explained that." I said as he stopped at a red light.

"Listen, I didn't kill anybody. Yes you saw but sometimes what you see isn't really what it really is."he said.

I stared at him blinking. He looked at me. Our eyes met. We stared for a while. I leaning forward? Is he leaning? WTF! Why can't I stop? Glance away. Look away. Damn it Maclain stop looking at his eyes. Damn he looked at my lips. FUCK I looked at his. It's over....Wait what dis he just say a minute ago? Ohhhh yeah.

"That makes no fucking sense."I said as the light turned green.

He looked at me then laid back in his seat groaning. He started to drive.

Awwwww old man mad.

"You know you could be my dad." I said.

"Maclain. Shut up."he said.

XD hahaha I love writng this story hahaha. All fun in games now but their will be some times when it's serious hahaha one day lol. Peace out my bumble beez.

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