Akiane- the Child Prodigy

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It's my pleasure to share the amazing story of a young girl name Akiane Kramarik. Her inspiring story has given me a lot of hope and it's caused my love for jesus Christ to go to a whole different level.

Akiane was born July 9th 1994 in Mount Morris Illinois. Her parents were not very religious and did not talk about God, they had no babysitters and no neighboring children for Akiane to play withneither, so you could only imagine the surprise that her parents felt when tehir little girl started to talk about God.

When Akiane was four, she began to draw pictures. They were very interesting and very skillful for being the a four year old.

One day, shortly after the birth of Akiane, a women called her family and told her parents about what an exciting future that their daughter had in store. Of course, being the skeptical atheists that they were- they didnt believe the woman. But when Akiane was three, she met God. He often came to her in dreams, inspiring and giving her visions to do her art work.

Akiane’s daily homeschool routine is a bit different from others her age. She wakes up at 4:30 am, has a drink of water, exercises, and prays. Then she paints and writes poetry for about 4-5 hours while it is still quiet in the house, before her brothers get up. After that she studies Russian and Lithuanian. Finally she reads her Bible. She also plays the piano and knows sign language.

Akiane composed a series of Jesus paintings after finding the perfect model. “I always think about Jesus and talk about Him,” she said. “I was looking for a model for a long, long time, and when I couldn’t find anyone, one day I suggested to my family to pray all day for this model so God would send the right one.” That very day, a tall man who also happened to be a carpenter came to their door looking for work. Akiane said, “I told my mother that that was him. I want him to be my model,” she recalled. The carpenter (who wishes to remain anonymous) was reluctant at first, because as a humble Christian he thought he “wasn’t worthy to represent his Master.” But he called back a week later to say that he had changed his mind.

Akiane has sold many paintings, giving a large ammount of that money to charities. As you can see, she has impacted everyone around her; including her family. They have all come to Christianity and believe it is because God wanted them to help the people around them and to make an impact on them as well.


make sure you watch the video on the right of this page ---->

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