chapter 6

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Dave===> ( fucking finally right)

I sat at the lunch table at school, looking off into space and thinking about the years. My boyfriend, John is sitting next to me and playing on his phone. "Dave, you have been distant all day... What's wrong?" John puts his phone down and looked at me. ".....It's been 9 fucking years since that ass of a brother left me.... He just ran away, leaving me. Who the fuck does that? I WAS 6, John... My parents were already gone... I was fucking alone for weeks till social workers came and got me. He just left me John. Now, he is probably off with some chick in Europe, being a dick bag... How can he live with the fact he left his younger brother to die?!" I burst out not able to hold it in. It was eating at my soul, making me wanna break everything in sight. John got a sorry look then he leans over, hugging me. "I'm sure he didn't leave you... Something might have happened." He said softly, making me angry. "WHAT THE FUCK COULD HAVE HAPPENED? DO YOU THINK HE WAS ABDUCTED BY FUCKING ALIENS!?" I yelled back angrily. He just looked down a bit sad. "Sorry......... If it makes you feel better, my cousin was lost on this day as well. ....." He said looking down. Now, I felt bad so I gave him a hug, hoping that would make us both feel better. "Let's skip school and go have pizza at my place." John said with a small giggle. "And we can watch gone in 60 seconds!" He added. "John... You and your Nicolas Cage movies..." I said with a chuckle before grabbing my bag. John got his and we both went out to the car. "I'm still mad that your foster parents got you a car..." John said as he got in. "I was shocked myself. Those damn people didn't do shit for me." I mumbled, starting the car.
The way home was spent to one of John's rambles. He acted like a pure idiot sometimes, but he is actually really smart and devious. It's one of the reasons I fell for him but the ramble was cut short when I pulled up to his place. His father was out of town on some cruise cooking dessert thing for some rich snobs. "Last one inside is a rotten egg!" John shouted before jumping out of the car. I hadn't even parked yet. "WHAT? NO FAIR, YOU LITTLE SHIT!" I yelled doing a fast park job then jumping out and going into the house to find no one. "...John? Where did you go...?" I said slowly, walking around. As I shut the door behind me, someone taller and darker, almost grey in fact, grabbed me from behind -- trying to put a mask on my face. As I struggled, I had managed to get my arm under the man's legs. With all my strength, I picked this man up before slamming him to the ground. He made a honk when he hit the floor. I got a fast glance at him to see grey skin and horns? When I was about to go kick his ass, someone else put a mask over my face. Everything started to go dizzy. My body became heavy and numb. As I fell to the floor, the person holding the mask followed, keeping the mask on. Before I passed out i managed to see john in the kitchen, out cold on the floor the same mask in him.

Still Dave= ==>
I woke up in a freefall. Fear took in and I started to panic. I started to spin round and round before I got my common sense to calm down and level myself out. That's when I found myself breaking the cloudline as the ground started to come up fast. As I started to accept death, a beeping started on my back with a flashing red button. It got faster and faster... It was either a bomb or a parachute. I was about to push the button for it to open when something next to me caught my eye. It was John! He was unconscious and free falling too. The only difference was his parachute wasn't glowing red; it was glowing orange. It looked busted up and broken. "His ain't gonna open!' I thought letting my brain go into rescue mode. John was a bit below me, so I pulled my arms in head facing his direction as I quickly shot to him scooping him up in my arms . Then i slammed the button hard with my one free arm.
The chute opened, making me cling to the boy in my arms. We were still falling but not as fast. John's extra weight wasn't helping us slow down . When I saw the trees below, I closed my eyes, bracing myself for impact ......but it never came. When I opened my eyes, I found us dangling above the ground. A sigh of relief left my lungs as I calmed down. "Hey... Hey, John. Wake up, wake up!" I said, wiggling John the best I could while holding on to him. After a few attempts to wake him i got really annoyed. " Nicolas Cage died." I whispered into his ear. "WHAAAT?!" He flew into action. "WHOA WHOA! Calm down, or I will drop you, I swear!" I yelled at him. John looked confused until he looked down. Within seconds, he clung to me like a front facing backpack. "D-Dave...?! How the fuck are we up here? Did we parachute? Last I bloody remember, I was getting attacked at the house... Then, when I came to, I saw these people. They had grey skin and horns that look like candy corn colors. Then they were all talking weird saying stuff and then this big one noticed i was awake then he hit me hard...." He was trying to speak slow because of his adrenaline pumping. "Calm down, John, okay? Can you find anything to cut us down with?" I asked him as I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Yeah. Um, your katana on your back." He said shifting a bit. "Oh, I didn't see it when I was free falling. Well... Unsheathe it and cut us down." I told him. He did as I asked. He wrapped his legs around my hips and I held onto his so he has a better ground to hold himself up. One by one he cut the 4 ropes slowly so we didn't fall to fast. I got a smug grin " I should enjoy this... John's actually letting me hold his girly hips and to top it off; he is in a sex potion -- wrapped around my hips." I said to him as his face grew tomato red. With that he cut both the ropes that were left, making us fall. I held him so I would take the fall for him. When we hit the ground, it fucking hurt, but I was okay and so was John. "Are you sure you're okay? Can you tell me what happened?" John asked me. I nodded. "Same thing that happened to you... I was attacked following you into your place. Then, I woke up in a freefall. The only difference is you were unconscious and as you see your parachute was broken so i wasn't opening. Sooo, me being the badass that I am, I saved you " i said with a smirk "That's gotta at least get me a few score points right?" I asked him being playful "Hmmm... No. It gets you as many kisses as you want." he said getting up to walk to a tree. "I haven't seen this tree type before. It's not in any of the books... And the planets too; they aren't like any on Earth." He said making me confused "Wait, what? Are you saying thar we aren't on earth anymore?" I asked. He nods " Look at the sky best you can... The sun is in the middle of the sky... And by the time on my watch, it's night time back home. That means if we were on the other side of the globe, the sun would just be coming up for them. Not dead center..." He said, making me a bit shocked. "See? You act stupid, but you're really smart." I said walking over to him. He blushed a bit making me smile "So, smarty pants, just where are we...?"

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