{Chapter 2,Her Thoughts} pg2

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Im so glad it's Friday! I have two days off school! YUSS! And tomorrow the new game is coming out. I might ask Daisy, Mia and Ella if they wanna come and buy the game too. What's the game about? What's it even called?
....Did Ella say it was called 'Gamer Online'?  Well as long as there's no blood, guts and gore i'll be fine playing it. At least... I hope. If I get there fast enough i'll be the first one in the whole world to buy it and play it! OMG! I cant believe its only 6 O'clock and I'm tired already!


So tomorrow I'm going to wake up around 6am, get ready, go and get Daisy, Mia and Ella then, finally go to the game shop over the road. Well its 8pm now so i might as well go to sleep so i can wake up at 6. All I have to do now is get this song out my head! 'Lost Boy' get out my head!

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