{Chapter 3, The Next Day} pg3

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Two minutes before the time she wanted to wake wake up at,  Zoey opened her eyes and yawned,"Why am I doing this for a game?" Sitting up, the girl reached for her phone and checked the time and date '5:58pm
Saturday 27th February' "I guess I better get up," She sighed, getting out of her king sized bed. Within ten minutes, Zoey was up, dressed and ready to go.

Quietly sneaking, out the front door ,as she didn't want to wake the household up, Zoey dashed over to Daisy's house with her phone and texted 'Im outside'. After waiting a minute or two, Daisy walked out the door towards Zoey. "Where are we going now?" Daisy asked, whispering as her household was also still sleeping. Zoey replied, already walking in the direction her other best friend's house was,"Ella's house, its just up ahead." They both stared in the direction Zoey pointed, "Number 21?" asked Daisy, looking at the house then at her friend. Zoey just nodded and carried on.

Not long after, the two girls arrived at '21 st. phillips drive'. Daisy walked up to the door, with Zoey trailing behind her, then paused. She took out her phone and texted Ella the same thing Zoey texted her, but slightly different, 'We're outside'. No longer than four minutes, Ella came hopping out the door with one shoe on and the other resisting to go on her foot. "Now all we have to do is go get Mia, go to game shop and" she takes a breather "Finally buy the game"Zoey announced like it was the easiest thing in the world to do.

The three girls walked to Mia's house, with their phones in their hands, hoods up and hoodies zipped to the top. This time Ella walked up to the door, while the other two (Zoey and Daisy)  waited at the bottom of the drive. Lifting up her hand like she was about to knock, Ella quickly changed her mind and decided to text her instead.  Mia -who was already ready- received the text and headed out side as quietly as the others did. "Now we can finally go to the game store!" Zoey said, stating the obvious, "The only down side about that is we have to walk even more ughhhh!"she moaned, like she often did whenever she heard the word 'walk','exercise' or 'clothes shopping'. Mia got out her phone and checked the time,"6:45am'" she muttered. "ALREADY?" the other three said at the same. "Yep!" Mia announced, proudly for an unknown reason. "Can we just go now to the shop now?" Ella asked. Without thinking twice, Zoey, Daisy and Mia answered,"YES!"

After their discussion all four of them went to game to the game shop. Unsurprisingly, they weren't the first to arrive.

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