{Chapter 10, Something Unforgettable} pg 13

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Meanwhile, the recent history carried on repeating in Mia's head. On the fifth time it replayed Mia realised something, "...Gracie wasn't real!" She announced,"She was part of the game." The other three looked blank. "You know part of the programming the creator made. She was a deceiver. She was made to lead us into that trap. Gracie can't hear or interact with us, she can only say what she's programmed to that's why when I grabbed her hand she fell anyway."
"Even though she was only part of the game and that was meant to happen, it was still HORRIBLE to watch and it was still something that I can never forget!" Ella said. "True," they all agreed.

The room went black. "Level 2 completed. Now teleporting to the mission room." After they finished teleporting the room seemed even darker than before. However the room was soon lit up by the projector. "Well done players, you're soon to enter level 3. Not only did you complete level 2 but you identified the things you needed to before you could pass: you realised which game you were in; and that Gracie was in fact a deceiver. And to top that off none of you have actually died yet. You are the first group of players to make it this far without losing a team member! Now teleporting you to level 3, the final level, the game decider, the level that could change everything. Good luck."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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