{Chapter 6, Their Mission} pg6

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"Where are we?" Mia asked. "Don't ask me!" Zoey answered. "Im not sure," Daisy replied. "I don't know!" Ella added. Suddenly a light from a projector came on, in the room of darkness. That was the only light source. Soon, a video came on the projection. It was their mission. Other players received the same one, to survive.

After the video
"What was that all about?" Zoey asked. "I don't know!" Ella answered, "Is that your catch phrase now?" Mia laughed. "Mayyybeeee," Ella announced, looking at Mia, to Daisy then back to Zoey quickly. "Why are we here?" just as Daisy said that, some thing changed. Now they were surrounded by blackness. They couldn't see a thing. They didn't what was happening. They only knew that each other were witnessing the same strange, yet exciting thing, together. "YAY! We're in the dark AGAIN!" Zoey said, sarcastically. "I know its so much fun. Theres a nothing over there! And another nothing up there!" Daisy added, joining in on the sarcasm.

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