Casual Tuesday

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Addison's P.O.V

I was just in my room looking out my window watching Nash and Hayes play basketball. Then They through the ball down and came knocking on my door I yelled "I'll get it mom." I went down stairs and opened the door and said "Hey Nash, hey Hayes!"

"Hey Addie" Hayes said.

"what are you guys up to?" I said.

"Oh nothing just playing basketball with this dork." Nash says.

"Uh no other way around." says Hayes.

"Well do you guys wanna come in and watch some Netflix?"

"Sure Addie I will, what about you Nash?"Hayes said.

"Actually me and Cam were gonna go hang out,wanna come Addie?"Nash said.

" sure I'll go." I said.

"Is Matt gonna be there" Hayes says

"Yes"Nash said.

I know I should not be so excited to go hang out with Hayes,Nash,Cam,and Matt but it's been a long time since me and Nash have hung out and I really like him.

<><><><><><><><>First Chapter Is Always Boring, Sorry<><><><><><><>

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