Moms Coming Back

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Addison's P.O.V

I was so excited to pick up my mom from the airport. I haven't seen her in a month. I miss her soo much she is my best friend. I went to go get her some gifts and treats to greet her once I saw her.I went to go pick her up with Nash.

"I can't wait to see my mom. It's been too long." 

"I can't wait to see her either Addie." Nash said while rubbing my back

I ran to her gate so happy.Then I saw a lot of people hugging each other and crying at the gate. I kept waiting and waiting for my mom to show up. I kept thinking it could just be a delay.

"Babe lets just go home, she can get a cab." Nash said 

"Nash do you know me?"


"Then you will let me wait."

"Okay babe."

I decided I was gonna ask the lady at the gate what was going on.

"Excuse me mam, do you know what happened to the plane that was supposed to arrive at this gate?" 

"Oh I am so sorry. You didn't hear. I thought you would everyone is talking about it."the random lady said

"Hear what. What are you talking about? What happened to that plane?"

"They got in a plane crash and unfortunately there were no survivors.I am so sorry." 

"What are you kidding you must be kidding. How.Why. Why me." I cried with tears pooring out of my eyes 

"I'm soo sorry mam. There was a thunder storm and one of the planes engines stopped working then they crashed." 

I ran into Nash's arms. He held me tight and kissed my head.

"Addie I'm so sorry. But just know I will always be here for you. When ever you need me I'm always here." Nash said

"Thank you Nash,Can you please drive me home I can't drive with all my tears ruining my vision." 

"Of course I will Addie."

I could not stop crying. My stomach felt awful. I felt my own heart beating. I was in bad shape.The finally we got home.

"Do you want me to stay the night Addison?" Nash asked

"That would be nice Nash,I could really use a friend right now." 

"Like I said I will always be here for you." Nash said while kissing me on the forehead

"Lets go watch a sad movie on Netflix, I could really use that." I said while crying

We were watching Max I could not stop crying. I felt awkward for Nash to see me cry, but my mom just died so I just kept crying and crying.Nash started to cuddle with me.It made me feel a little better but I still felt like I was dying inside.

"I love you Addison." Nash said 

"I love you too Nash." I said with tears pouring out of my eyes

He hugged me. Then he started to kiss me I stopped him.

"Nash I'm sorry, but now isn't really the best time."

"I totally get it. I'm sorry I just couldn't resist." Nash said 

We cuddled then slept on the couch together.

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