Angel's Issue's

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Angel's P.O.V
I decided I wanted to visit Cameron,and see if he knew what was going on with Addie and them. I drove to his house, then I knocked on his door. He answered the door.

"Hey Cam,can I come in?"

"Yeah, come on in Angel." Cam said gesturing to come in.

"Hey, have you noticed what's going on with Matt, Addie, and Nash?" I asked

"Yes, I feel like I'm stuck in the middle of it." Cam said


"They are, or friends and they are fighting so much." Cam said


"Oh you didn't hear.Well I'm sure Addie will tell you. Now lets watch a movie."Cam said excitedly

"What kind of movie?" 

"Hmm...maybe a romance." Cam said blushing

"Yes! Lets watch Titanic!" I screamed

"Okay,Titanic it is!" Cam yelled

I went and sat on Cameron's couch, then he sat right next to me, I felt kind of awkward, but not really, because we are friends.Soon it got to the part when Jack and Rose got to the front of the boat, and Rose starts to say "I'm flying Jack,m I'm flying." Then they kissed. Cameron looked towards me then kissed me. Then I stopped him "Um, okay bye." I said quietly as I ran out the door.

"Angel wait, I'm sorry." Cam screamed

"Cameron stop just stop, my boyfriend is Jacob not you. I really like you, but why did you do that?" I screamed

"Because, I love you Angel, I have always loved you!" Cam shouted

"I can't do this right now!" I screamed 

Then I drove off to Jacobs house. I knocked on the door, he answered.

"Jacob we need to talk."

"Why?Whats wrong babe?"Jacob asked

"Cameron kissed me, I'm so confused, I don't know know why he did. It just happened. I don't know what to do. I think I like him, but I also like you. What do I do Jacob?" I cried out

"Pick me,Choose me, love me. I was there for you when you were weak and not strong. I cuddled with you when you were all alone. I hugged you when you needed a friend. I kissed you when you gut hurt. Crap I even let you use my hand as a tissue when you didn't have one.Now ask your self, has Cam done any of that?" Jacob cried out

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