Pizza is Here

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Hayes P.O.V

They totally bought it, well I hope the girl I called was in fact Angel I'm just glad she didn't answer the phone , otherwise I would have had to declare my love for her, and I do not want problems with Jacob. But I have to admit I also really like Addison.But anyways Addison went to go answer the door but guess who the delivery guy was my brother Nash.

"Umm Nash why do you have are pizza?' Addison says.

"Because I work at pizza hut." Nash says.

"Uhh Huh since when?" I say.

"Okay fine I don't work at pizza hut I saw the lights on and I saw Cameron's car so I was curious so I came over, and you should thank me I payed the pizza guy."Nash says.

"Thank you Nash how thoughtful of you, now hand over the pizza and get out" Angel says in a sarcastic voice.

Everyone started to laugh except for Nash.

"Well it looks like you guys are having a game night and you didn't even invite me! Whats up with that Addie?"Nash says.

"I'm sorry Nash its just its been weird since yesterday."Addison says.

"Its fine Addie I understand."Nash says.

"Okay now that, that's over lets get back to truth or dare, Hayes I believe it's you turn to choose who to ask truth or dare.' Jacob says.

"Okay I choose Addie, truth or dare?" I say

Addison's P.O.V

"I choose dare"

"I dare you to kiss the cutest boy in the room." Hayes says

I look around feeling very nervous, then I do it I lean in to Nash and make out with him He held me close and we kept going and we didn't stop then someone walked in. It was Matthew. I then stop kissing Nash and look at Matthew and say "Matt what are you doing here?"

"I was wondering why I saw Cameron and Nash's car here,but now I know you guys were having a game night party without me,you guys are such good friends!" Matthew say's in a sarcastic voice.

Then Matthew slammed the door. I grabbed Nash's hand so that we could explain everything.We walk out to my front door where Matthew is sitting on the steps looking out into the distance.

"Matt come inside you being too dramatic." Nash says.

"So are you guys like "a thing" now." Matthew says.

"No i was just a dare we aren't dating."I said

"Not yet."Nash says

I started to blush.Then he kissed me on the cheek ignoring the fact that Matthew was mad and sad.

"Nash we can do this later please, Matt come on in lets eat some pizza and watch some Netflix."I say

"Okay Addie your right i shouldn't be so mad,lets go inside." Matt said in a reasoning voice

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