I Liked Her First

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Nash'es P.O.V
My heart was broken and I was confused. I could not believe Addison kissed Matthew. I thought that going to Get Air we could bond and soon go out.I decided I was going to call Cameron and tell him what happened.
C-Cam N-Nash
N-Hey Can can we talk?
C- sure what's up man?
N-Addie kissed Matt
C- I'm sorry Nash do you want me to come over and we can watch some netflix?
N-That would be great, But first I'm gonna have a little talk with Matt. Bye Cam
C- okay bye Nash be gentle with him
I called Matt and told him to meet me at My house. We were sitting in my front yard talking then I decided to bring up Addison.
"Hey Matt I'm just curious to why you were kissing Addison..."

"I'm not sure it just all sort of happened, and when I told her we had plans with Angel and Jacob. I was planning to tell her "they didn't make it" when in reality I just wanted an excuse to be alone with her so I could ask her out."Matthew said.

"But you know I like her so why would you do that to me I thought we were friends".I said

"Nash I'm sorry I really like her and when she's done thinking it through I'm gonna ask her out."

"I liked her first, and when I walked in to addie's house remember her saying "Nash I don't like him like that he just kissed me."

"Well if I get turned down by her it will be fine I will move on and like a different girl."

"Of course you will Matt and you better not ask her out. I really like her don't do this to me."

Then Matthew walked away with out looking back and then got I'm his car and drove away.

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