Chapter 6

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"Folks we have begun our descent to Manchester, UK, where the current weather is a chilly 6°C, 42°F and we will be in the gate in about 20 minutes, We'd like the flight attendants to prepare the cabin for arrival and we want to thank you for flying with us today."

I woke up to the sound of the flight attend's announcing our arrival, Tristan was already up and getting his luggage. Meanwhile I was too tired to even sit up straight, I had slept through the whole flight and 6 hours just wasn't good enough. At least not for me.

"Morning princess" he said to me and smiled as I finally unbuckled me seat belt and got up. I was in the midst of saying awwe thank you when I realized he didn't actually mean it.

"Morning?" I was confused and still sleepy so my brain wasn't functioning.

"Yeah," he laughed "it's 9:45 and can I tell you, you sleep like a rock." he said to me as he passed me my bag. I eventually got up and we walked out of the plane and into a much bigger airport. I wandered off to a small souvenir shop and when I came out Tristan was nowhere to be seen. I started freaking out because I had no idea where to go so I started calling out to him

"TRISTAN!?" I was starting to get scared I wouldn't find him because I like said, it was an enormous airport. When I thought I saw him and I ran over to him and tapped his shoulder, nope. It was just some guy who had the exact same shirt as him. "Sorry, I thought you were someone else." I said to to the guy who didn't seem to have heard me but I kept on calling Tristan's name, I saw another guy wearing the same polo shirt but he was shorter and then I saw another one, and another one and there was a whole group of them.

"Lost?" I heard a voice behind me so I turned around

"Tristan!!" I was so relieved and happy to see his face, part of me wanted to hug him but the other part of me kept cool.

"I thought you'd find me" I blushed a little but pretended to scratch my face so he wouldn't notice.

I asked him who all those guys were and why they all had the same clothes, there was about 30 of them.

"Those guys are going to the same place we are," he explained to me, I looked at every guy, most of them were tall, buff, and pretty hot. He told me we'd get on a train and it would take about 3 hours to get to the school. I was excited to get started, then it hit me. I don't know absolutely anything about music...

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