I was woke up the next morning at 8 AM by my panda alarm clock. Man I love that thing.
Louis and Harry told me they needed to do an interview for their job today so Eleanor would take me shopping.
Seems suspicious if you ask me.
But of course I didn't question them I didn't want to be sent back and I really needed new clothes.
Before we entered the mall Eleanor gave me a hoodie and sunglasses.
She just said it was for protection because of what Louis and Harry do.
More suspicious...
I actually forgot I probably looked like I was gonna rob the store and enjoyed the time with Eleanor.
She showed me all her favorite shops and I got lots of clothes, shoes, and other accessories Eleanor says "every girl needs to have."
Like nail polish and lipgloss is something you need hah.
We did get the occasional weird glance from a teenage girl and she would like stare us down in deep concentration and then let her thought go and leave.
That's weird right? Like its not just me finding that strange right?
Whatever anyway when we got back Louis and Harry still weren't back so Eleanor did my hair and makeup then picked out of my new outfits to wear.
((Outfit will be on side when I figure out how to add photos on the Android app or get access to a computer))
I actually looked nice! She had straightened my wavy brown hair and added mascara, foundation, light eyeshadow and some lipgloss and then painted my nails to match with my outfit.
Where has lipgloss been all my life.
Me and Eleanor took lots of photos and she showed me how to use the "IPhone" That they had gotten me when they made up my room.
We took a few photos together and I set the one of us making a silly face as my lock screen.
This was the best day I've ever had in my life and I was spending it with my new Mom. wow.
I wanna call her Mom but it's just to soon I guess. I don't know I'm just waiting for the right moment I guess. I've only lived with them a day and I'm already getting attached! Pull yourself together Sophie!
I shook off those thoughts and messed around on my phone with a few apps while Eleanor made lunch for us and Louis and Harry.
I was completely addicted and a pro at temple run by the time the Louis and Harry got home for lunch.
"Honey I'm home'" Louis called when he entered the house bouncing of the walls.
Harry face palmed but saw the sandwiches.
"Ooooh thanks El" Harry called striding towards the sandwiches and reaching a hand to grab one only to be slapped away by Eleanor.
"Me and Soph get first sandwiches since we had to wait an extra hour to eat since you were late" Eleanor spoke sending daggers when she said 'late'
Seriously, I love this girl she is feirce and full of sass. Perfect for Louis.
I got up from my spot on the couch and skipped happily to the sandwiches taking one and a plate before plopping down on a counter stool eating, over exaggerating every bite knowing Harry was watching.
"You are very very cruel people" Louis yelled out of no where from behind Harry.
When did he get there?
"I've been here Sophie! You silly goose!"
I can't believe I said that out loud as well. UGHHH why mouth why do you hate me?
Good that stayed in my head like it should have.
"Ok Sophie, Harry you two eat the sandwiches me and El need to slip out for awhile." Louis said pulling Eleanor out the door.
"Bye Sophie! Be safe! Harry watch her and don't be stupid! Love you!" Eleanor called before shouting the door.
I looked at Harry who finished eating his 3rd sandwich.
"So Harry, Wanna be stupid?" I asked grinning maniacally.
Harry simple returned an evil grin and we jolted off to Louis room.
Ooooh~ Guys so what do you think they are up too? ~^u^~
It could be EXACTLY what you think the COMPLETE opposite *Eybrow Wiggle*
like am I just typing under the impression people are reading when they actually arent? I just it's frustrating like I'm putting all this time and no ones even reading? I'm typing to myself? Yea ok I am well bye. .-.
Adopted by Louis the Tommo Tomlinson.
FanficSophie was fine at Los Angeles central orphanage untill Stacy turned 18 and left. Without her best friend Sophie was lost.. That was before someone actually wanted her. With her new family comes a new home and a new life along with it's very new com...