Chapter Nine: Moving with Liars.

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It's been 2 weeks since I moved in with my new family and it was amazing.

I've concluded they were going to keep me since they haven't hinted anything towards that and second they pretty much decorated my room, If I was temporary why would they spend so much money on a room if they were gonna just throw it all away?

At least it seems like they spent a lot of money, I rest didn't want them to though but no matter how much I protested they just went and did it.

El went and bought me a whole new wardrobe! I felt really bad after because I know if my room didn't cost that much all the clothes and shoes did!

I actually have been uploading a lot on my instagram account.

I only made it recently and I had 1 follower so far!

Of course that follow was El but still!

Anyway I was going through Eleanors account and looked through all the pictures.

She had a few with Louis omg cute!

I looked at them and mentally awed before checking the comments most of them were so sweet but there were a few that caught my eye, hate?

Who would hate them they are the perfect couple!

The comment was by some usernamed xxchocobunnygoo what a gross name for a rude person.

I didn't understand the comment though, they said El didn't deserve Louis and was ugly?

First off, El is amazing and beautiful in every way!

But I don't get it? How did this girl know Louis?

I screenshotted all the similar comments about El not deserving Louis or him being famous what my dad famous? No way he would be a weird famous person! No offense dad!

Since I had my phone I figured a Google search wouldn't be to bad of an idea.

I pulled up the Google search app and typed in "Louis Tomlinson"

Why hadn't I thought of this earlier?

When the results came up I nearly screamed over 10 million hits wtf?

No wonder everyone had been acting suspicious maybe Louis killed someone! Oh god no that can't be true!

Not wanting to continue that thought I clicked on the Wikipedia page.

My mouth dropped open, right here on a single page was everything you could want to know about my Dads life.

But this has gotta be a joke? Louis went on a singing competition got put in a boy band with 4 others and is currently on a shirt break from their world tour?

No way... wait 4 others oh god I hope I am piecing this puzzle together wrong.

I was pretty much hyper ventilating when I clicked on the link to the "One Direction" Wikipedia page.

When the page came up my stomach flipped.

The 4 other people I had become so close with where listed along with Louis.

How could they do this? Why keep this a secret? Were they keeping ME a secret too? Are they ashamed of me? Why?

Thinking about all the reasons I wasn't good enough and had to be kept a secret, I plugged in my head phones and searched them in YouTube, silent tears rolling down my face.

I scrolled through hundreds of videos of interviews fan videos and music videos but decided on the first video that came up.

It was a music video for a song called "What makes you Beautiful" I actually found myself smiling they were really good.

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