Chapter Twelve: Secret Stalker.

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*Niall's P.O.V*

"Bye Dad! Love ya!" Sophie called running out the back door.

She was headed if to a cafe down the street to meet Lia for the day.

From what I can tell Lia's a sweet kid, I have no worries.

Louis on the other hand has been freaking out.

"Oh god Niall why did I let her go?!" He whined pacing around nervously.

"Lou she's fine, That Lia girl is really sweet don't worry."

"I know, I know but what about the paps! They might know what she looks like from that incident yesterday!"

"You can always text her?"

"No I can't seem clingy."

"Fine then... I don't know follow her?"

Louis snapped and grinned.

"Yes Ni! Great Idea!"

"Woah hold on you can't be serious?!"

"Niall I am perfectly serious and you can follow her!"

"No! Lou I'm not ruining this for her!"

If Sophie finds out she would kill me! What us he thinking?!?

"Niall do it or i'll tell Sophie you ate her pie." He said sternly

To be fair I didn't know it was hers ok!

"What like a secret stalker? No way."

"Please Ni! I'm begging you! I'm on my knees!" Louis said on his knees looking right in to my eyes.



"Fine ok! Fine"

Louis smirked and sho'ed me out of the house.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

I go with the simple sunglasses and hoodie disguise and walk off down to the cafe.

When I get their I order a cinnamon bun and in the best American accent ever might I say!

When I got the bun I sat at a booth next to Sophie and Lia's.

This was the cutest thing!

Sophie and Lia where acting like they knew each other since diapers! They got along so well and laughed the whole time.

I heard Lia say when they finished off they where going to see the London eye.

At one point Lia excused herself and went to the bathroom.

I took the opportunity to tell Sophie.

I leaned over the booth and raised my sunglasses.

"Psst Soph it's Niall"

Sophie rolled her eyes and pulled the glasses off my face.

"I know doofus that's not exactly a great disguise... what are you doing here??" She asked sternly.

"Well Lou was worried about you..." I answered truthfully, scratching the back of my neck.

"I don't care leave"

Wait what.


Wrote this a while ago but never got around to posting schools starting also I will be adding a note at the end of each chapter and story I write from now on:

Just a warning here I use Wattpad to write the many ideas that pop in my head down so I don't forget them. Sometimes I use it to write when I'm bored or feel the need to express my emotions. Sometimes I use it to experiment with and or improve my writting. There is no guarantee I will update or continue a story especially with school started.Some things I post will be written months ago but only recently posted because I feel they see good enough to be read. I write for myself not to please anyone. Im sorry if you feel the need to get angry at this but I may not continue what is being read. Please do not steal the ideas or concepts I post on this site as well. Thank you for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2013 ⏰

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