Chapter Five: Safe and Stupid

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*Louis P.O.V*

I pulled Eleanor away from the other and drove her to a KFC.

Her sandwiches would have been much more delicious but I needed to talk to her alone. I already chatted Harry about this situation on our drive home hence why we where late.

"El they have no idea about Sophie" I said slowly waiting for her reaction.

"So we're safe for now Lou?" Eleanor asked getting happier by the second.

I giggled at her cuteness and nodded.

"Yep I already told Harry! I mean when she is ready to know our secret then so will the fans and management"

Eleanor nearly spit her drink out.

"Oh gosh Lou management doesn't know?! They're gonna flip!"

"Yea, I know but I love Sophie, she's our daughter and I love her. They won't let us get married but they won't stop us from being a family"

Eleanor smiled and leaned into my chest, resting her head on my shoulder between my neck.

I kissed her forehead and we stayed cuddled like that if only forever could be like this.

*Sophie's P.O.V*

We both sat on the bed facing each other.

"You sure about this?" Harry asked moving closer to me.

I nodded my head vigorously.

"Do you know what to do?" He asked looking right into my eyes for approval.

"Yep" I lied popping the 'p.' This was my first time doing this kinda thing. I was nervous but it was a rush.

Harry grinned mischeviously and reached into his pocket and pulled out a roll of string.

As on cue I pulled out the bucket from under the bed and took out the Mayonnaise jar and seaweed packet inside.

Harry started stringing the door to the bed and I opened the packages.

Ewww! Me and Harry both made a face of disgust and laughed, this stuff was nasty.

I mixed the mayo and seaweed together in the bucket and disposed of the evidence in the guest room trash can.

I tried to reach and put the bucket on top of the door so Harry could string it but being stupidly under average height I was having a hard time.

I didn't want to bother Harry since he seemed so in to fixing the structure perfectly so I decided to hop on the dresser and lean over and try and place the bucket on top of the ledge above the door.

I was on the very edge of the dresser and my tippie toes leaning over a large gap holding onto the wall with one hand while the other worked to put the bucket up.

When I got it on I was so relieved I let go of the wall to cheer but ended up falling to my doom.

I screamed and closed my eyes expecting to brake a leg but instead landed into soft open arms.

I opened my eyes and was on the ground in Harry's arms my legs on either side of him straddling him.

I realized the position we were in and blushes quickly getting off of him.

"Not even a thank you?" He chuckled fixing his clothes and reaching up to tie the bucket with string.

"Thank you" I managed quietly before dismissing myself to wait for Louis and Eleanor.

The plan from here was Harry will get Louis to go to his bedroom and then the string will make it almost impossible to open the door so Louis hopefully will push really hard snapping a string sending the bucket of nasty smelly mayo'ed seaweed right in his face while I distract Eleanor.

Best. Prank. Ever.

"Lets seriously hope this works and doesn't backfire" Harry says plopping down on the catch next to me turning on the TV to Chopped.

We were laughing so hard at the coincidence that they had to cook with mayonnaise and seaweed that we didn't notice Louis and El get back.

"What's so funny?" Louis asked making Harry scream like a little girl. I exploded with laughter my cheeks hurting so bad.

"L-Louis I think I p-pissed my pants when you did that can you get me a fresh p-pair?" Harry said trying to resist breaking into laughter and giving Louis the puppy eyes.

Louis groaned and agreed walking towards his room. Eleanor began to follow but I grabbed her arm and looked at her like I had a problem. Which I actually did. We had forgot to get something at the mall and that something would be starting soon.

I pulled out my phone and sent her a text.

She nodded and jolted out the door.

Harry was almost crying "What did you send her?!?"

I showed him the text he burst out in tears of laughter "Nice save"

I blushed slightly but thankfully unnoticeable and laughed.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!" That did it we were going to die from laughter.

I poked Harry and told him we had to act along.

He nodded and we held back our laughter and ran up to Louis panicked.

"Lou are you ok?!?" Harry yelled rushing over to Louis before immediately backing away holding his nose, features all scrunched and disgusted.

I held in my laughter and got a towel from the nearest bathroom and handed it to him.

His face was bright red from anger, embarrassment, and then he did what we least expected. "C'mere you guys Louis wants to give his little pranksters a big hug!" He yelled chasing us around the house.

We were running so fast I thought I was going to crash!

Eventually he caught us and covered us in that disgusting goop.

We all collapsed onto the couch laughing and trying to catch our breath.

We were explaining to Louis what happened when Eleanor came back.

"Soph I got your-" Oh god no. El your not announcing it in front of two guys.

I grabbed the bag and started running up the stairs to my room.

"Thanks El love ya bye!"

El looked happy to have helped, Louis just looked confused and Harry was laughing even more because he knew exactly what just happened.



Hi? Ok well if someone happens to stumble upon this 1 Comment till next chap please. And I have an hour of free time I'm writing the next chap now and wanna post it oh and btw she will be meeting the rest of the boys soon she just is still settling in. I'm kinda drawing it out cause once she gets settled in a lot of drama happens and I'm trying to get as much writing as I can done. Baii please comment.

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