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We rushed to her side days after days,weeks after weeks....months after months. Hoping she would come back to us. Over the pass months we spent together I really have to say I really miss her, her sass,her timid self,oh now you've got me started. Those eyes....those beautiful smoky wide eyes when greeted came smiling at you...Her exotic intoxicating laugh,with the cute little piglet snort...makes me feel better....Her curviness, even though I like that too....I'm a sucker for her personality so colorful...bold,strong,A I don't give shit what you say response, firey,calm but enthusiastic,so different from every other girl in that school....but I'm truly a sucker for her heart....I really want to get to know her heart....but don't mention it to her or the others. It's midnight I'm sitting here by her bedside in the hospital room,111...on the second floor to the right. I just can't leave her side,because I fear if she awake I won't be there. I just stared at her pale,cold purple,black and blue bruises...I was gonna lose hope in her soon. "Here's a blanket and some clean clothes." The slim,short, firey haired, straight nose,tanned skin doctor said with a gentle smile. I was kind taking aback,no body has ever actually came to care about me truly...even if it's just to bring some clean clothes. "W-hy?"I said starting to stand up slowly. The doctor looked down playing with the tag rennels on his right upper chest. "I wanted to. I-i just thought maybe you would need these you haven't moved from this room at all...unless by the force of going to the bathroom. I see how much you care about her."The doctor said now looking over at Andy with such affection and kindness, it blistered my blood. "I really do appreciate this."I said gently taking the clothes. "I'll be right here until you come back from the showering."The doctor said sitting next to Andy's right side."why,do you look at her that way?"I asked with particial discuss. "I come here every day and every night just to be in the presence of her,I am only 25 but she makes me feel like....WOW. I grew to love her...before surgery she said to me that I was her hero and smiled a heart breaking smile after she went into a deep coma."The doctor said looking down and flushed red at the fact that he just told me his love for this 17 year old,beauty of a goddess. I just scoffed and shook my head and went into the bathroom. He must be so lonely, I hope he really doesn't think that I will let Andy near him when she awakens. THAT Is Plain Old sick.

I was just giving up when Andy's hand twiches for the first time,her first movement. I quickly rush over to her..."Andy!? Is it really you?"I whispered as she then blinked and opened her eyes. She was so pale you could still see some of the bruises and her gash over her left cheek that was stitched up. "I-i can't believe it....you came through!"I said as a tear came down my cheek....I called up Perffery and he was here like in 2.5 seconds. "Oh my god,you came back to us beautiful."Perffery said kissing her cheek for a longtime before letting go. I was too stunned and happy to even be angry,but later I will be. *Three months later* Well Andy was still,hurt...she actually was getting more worst. I was just so upset for her. "Andy,please don't give up."I said I'm knees holding her shaking cold scaly hand as I tried to get the knife from her. She dropped it staring dead and blankly at the wall. I came to the front of her so she would look me in my eyes. I saw it all,the blistering agony...she didn't once shed a tear...she haven't slept since she awoken...she won't eat,barely wants to get up to go to the bathroom....everyone is concerned for her,no one heard from her mother,she lost her aunt to a plane crash and everything and everyone turned against her including Perffery,he couldn't take it. She won't talk,barely blinks...like she's a beautifully wretched and divine statue. "Andy,you gotta eat something,your thinning away...come on."I said putting the spoon of soup to her mouth. She knocked the bowl in spoon out of my hand she stood up and looked at me like she was possessed. I stood shocked. I saw death and a severely distraught girl.

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