Caged bird

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I really see no point in going to this stupid party when all they do is either drink,get High,have sex,or fight. I really don't understand why I have to be down with society all I want to do is just be myself. I only want to be Andy Pelo not ms.society. I'm not gonna fit in, I fit OUT. I'm not an outcast so they can't make me do my hair a certain way or make me wear a uniform. I am the in between. My mother is always making me do things like have social media,socialize,go to stupid parties,or join cheerleading. Ugh I just wanna be me."Andy,just get dressed already and stop moping around."My mother said banging on my room door. "LEAVE ME ALONE."I GROWLED. My mom brusted into my room with Lea and seth my two annoying and weird party crazy best friends. "Go now."My mother said shoving a pretty much skin tight one strap pearl pink dress and black high heels. "MOM!"I exclaimed. "Go or your grounded..,for not listening to me."My mother said. I dwelled to the bathroom to put these stupid slutty clothes on. When I came out they all gasped. And I saw seth pop up if you know what I mean...eeww. Lea and my mom straightened my wild curly hair. I never knew it stopped all the way to my thighs. My mom pushed us downstairs quickly. I snuk out a small sweater to cover some of my skin. We arrived at the party. It was outrageous,wreaked of alcohol and drugs, sweaty people everywhere....drunk people making out that hate each other....I LITERALY FELT SICK. HOW CAN PEOPLE BE LIKE THIS?! I decided to sit somewhere safe I found a wooden single chair by the staircase and I sat there. I wanted to be in my sweatpants and holey t shirt. I wanted my wild curly hair. Then the jock aka WK'S HIGHSCHOOL BADASS,CLARK came over next to me and just smiled at me and handed me a bottle of water. I hesitated because usually he would completely humiliate me and push me around. "Let me guess your freak of a friend and dork friend made you come."Clark said with a side smile almost mocking me. "Pretty much."I said looking down. "Well I hope you'll be okay."Clark said ruffling my hair as he left. Wow. Those beautiful light blue eyes and sandy brown hair really must've made a change. I call him the blued demon but as of now he has a halo. 1 hour into the party and some drunk dickhead excuse my french but what he did to me was definitely a reason for such language. "Hey sexy,wassup?"The drunk dummy said stumbling over to me. "Leave me alone."I said shifting in my seat. "MMM damn I wanna make you feel so good."The drunk dummy said touching my face."Get the fuck off of me!"I yelled slapping him as I got up. "Listen little bitch,you will do as you are told!"The drunk jerk said pushing me against the wall and being to grope my chest."Stop! Get off of me! Stop stop it stop!"I screamed kneeing him in his cock. He grabbed my arm agressively...out of nowhere Clark just punched him causing him to fall down Clark hammered at the drunk dummy. I was so terrified I ran out of the house. "Stop!" A voice called chasing after me. I couldn't stop I was scared. "Oof!"I fell to the ground and begun to shake violently. "No beauty should ever be treated the way you've been treated."A soft deep angel voice said from next to me. And with that I was being held by him. I looked up into his smoky eyes and at his beautiful face with his side bangs covering his left eye. I really was so shooken up. I began to cry."shhhhh shhhh. I'm here I won't leave ya,everything is gonna be okay I promise."the beautiful angel said holding me tight in his skinny arms.

I wonder if I should acknowledge that pretty bad wound on her knee or maybe ask for her number.When she feels better she's probably gonna feel akward because she's hugged up on a stranger and visa versa but not really as much for me as it is for her. She was so beautiful,her light chocolate skin and those beautiful big gray eyes and her long purple and black hair all so gorgeous. It's pretty dark out. But I'll make sure she gets home safe. Afterawhile she pretty much calmed down. So I just decided to talk first. "I hope you feel better. I really wish I came sooner to keep you company. I'm actually kinda glad to be the one to care for you. If I were to see him doing that disgusting shit I'd kill him."I said balling my fists up."I'm going home now."The girl gently said as she got up all wobbly. I was careful to make sure she had completely gained balance. "I'll walk you home. Come on."I let the girl lead the way home I could see it in her eyes that she wasn't okay even when she smiled it broke my heart even more. Gosh....Derrick Banshall will pay. We got to her house after alittle while. She invited me in. Her house was a beautiful black and white walled large spaced condo. A flat screen TV hanging on the wall above the mantle piece nice navy blue pretty. "Thanks so much for walking my beautiful baby home. Such a sweet gent."Her mother I'm guessing said smiling as she walked upstairs casually."Nice house you got here. I hope your gonna be okay. Try to sleep well."I said smiling at her. "Thank you for being a hero when I needed one,and for staying with me and for walking me home. My mother is right, you are a sweet gent. Goodnight."the girl said smiling warmly at me as she opened the door for me. "I'll see you around."I said smiling I didn't want to give her my number because I wanted to wait for things to cool down from tonight's incident. I really like to stay out late on weekends so I headed back to Clark's house to see if he needed help. When I got there the place was halfway clean. I saw Clark and his brother over in the kitchen cleaning up Clark's lip. "I swear when I see him again I'll fucking kill him."Clark growled as his brothers finished. "We're almost done cleaning."A girl said with three other people grabbing garbage cans. "She's safe now Clark."I said clearing my throat as i leaned on the counter. Clark's firey light blue eyed calmed alittle and filled with something I couldn't read. "How do you know?"Clark asked me. I looked on the floor then to him. "Because, I was there to help her after she ran away I sat there with her as I comforted her. After she finished crying she wanted to go home so I walked her home. She was smiling a real genuine smile when i left."I said smirking alittle at her beautiful warm smile. Clark's eyes flickered with anger then back to a calm Suttle look."ok."Clark said scoffing.I decided to not say anything further I decided to help clean up. Then all of a sudden Clark bumps me extremely rough after he went upstairs. I just stood there with shock."Get out ALL OF YOU JUST GET THE FUCK OUT!"Clark snapped violently. The three people scurried away,I just looked at him irritatedly."Do you not understand...GET OUT."Clark said pushing me. "The hell with you bitch."I said kicking the glass cups on the table onto the floor."Don't ever touch me."I said violently slamming the door. I just wanted to see her again....her....I don't even know her name I bet it's just as gorgeous as she is. tonight I'll think about her as I masterbate to her thick big ass in that dress. Mmmm so sexy. HEY! I am guy what do you except?!


Tonight was a complete DISASTER! Well not all of tonight. I had a good time with Max tonight....I just can't believe that he came to comfort me and to make sure I was ok. I know who he is,he's in my algebra class, sits up front,so quiet and shy...honestly it was the first time I have ever encountered him. He's so gorgeous and so sweet. I'll definitely write this in my dairy. I threw the dress in the fire place after I took it off. I washed all the party germs off me and blow dried my hair...I'm gonna wear it black tomorrow. I definitely will remember tonight...thanks mom.

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